View Full Version : Having a cystoscopy

12-12-06, 10:39
I get recurrent cystitis and have suffered most of my life. 10 years ago I had exploratory surgery and nothing was found.

This year has been quite bad for attacks so doctor referred me to a urologist. I saw him last week and said I was scared that I may have bladder cancer. I'm terrible at googling my symptoms and since losing my dad to cancer, I have a big fear that every pain or twinge I get is cancer. He said that I was low risk due to my age, I'm female and don't smoke however if it would make me feel better, then he would carry out a cystoscopy but to go away and think about it and if I want it done then to ring his secretary.

If he thought there was something wrong, then would he have insisted I have it done instead of giving me the decision? He also had a feel of my bladder and ovaries and couldn't feel anything wrong.

I have it booked for thursday and very nervous that they may find something [V] so desperately trying to stay off the computer and not google anything.

12-12-06, 11:17
Hi Jenny,
Whatever u do DONT GOOGLE its so bad i can tell you right now ,if you do it ,you will have something serious so dont google.
I'm sure if the doctor thought it was serious he would have had you right in , hes probably gave you the choice as he knows you are worried about it, i would take the test then at least then you will know your fine, but im almost sure you are already.
Take care and let me know how u get on............xx

12-12-06, 12:23
Thanks KK. I know that googling is so so bad but I just cant help it sometimes. even the Urologist said I shouldn't do it. Thing is it's so easy at work just to look for answers for your symptoms.

12-12-06, 12:31
Hey Jenny,
I,m one to talk, i used to google all the time , ive been on a google ban and managed not to do it so far for 4wks although the temptation is always there.
Because we have the health anxiety if we google it just scares us even more, cause i know if its me i have every symptom and then even get the ones i dont have, lol
Cant remember the last time a day went by i didn't worry about some health symptom.
But if u can try and stay away from google, if i can do it trust me anyone can............. xx

15-12-06, 08:58
Just to say had the procedure done yesterday (not very dignified [:I]) However all is well - thank goodness. My bladder looks perfectly normal so I must now try and manage my cystitis and not worry about it.

10-10-07, 20:24
Hi Jenny - I know your post was a year or so back, but how are you getting on? How is the cystitis? I am still getting lots of attacks and it's tedious. I have to take antibiotics with me on holiday or when we're away for the weekend just in case, so I'm not caught out. My cystoscopy was normal as well, which was a huge relief as I'd done what you did and googled myself into bladder cancer!

10-10-07, 21:42
oh blimey - nearly a year on..... :ohmy:

I certainly haven't had as many attacks this year (only 2) which is much better than last year, however my stress has been less this year which I feel is one of my reasons for cystitis.

But I have a huge supply of antibiotics now at home and carry a bottle in my handbag just in case and yes, if I go away, I take them with me.

It was good too that your cystoscopy was normal :yesyes: