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View Full Version : I hate media :( (possible triggers)

03-06-14, 20:02
I've been doin ok practising cbt techniques.
Until today when I hear on the news about cancer treatments (oh but they aren't available yet - cheers for that) which worked on a man with skin cancer (hello to my HA nightmares)
Then I browse on twitter only to find that on thismorning there was a whole "do you keep an eye on your moles" "did you know it's the second most common type of cancer amoung age 18-34" (my age group then - cheers for that) "worse type of skin cancer"
I better not watch embarrassing bodies tonight, if it's even mentioned I think il have a meltdown :(
Feeling really anxious again :(

03-06-14, 22:18
Ha! You're awesome! I don't have the exact same things going on...but I just had to say, I love your personality, I can just tell.

04-06-14, 00:15
Hi Jonesle, yeah I know what you mean. Oh how I love the media ............:lac: I wish they would realise how anxious they make people feel by talking about this.

Keep going with your cbt techniques, your doing great and IT WILL start to get better :yesyes:

Maybe you could do something to help take your mind off your anxious thoughts. I know it's easier said than done but it's worth a try (if you haven't already tried).

Maybe something like watching a comedy, film, documentary. Chatting and catching up with a friend or family member, a hobby or interest. Sorry I'm not really much help, I definitely know how you feel with the media though, I try to avoid the news, media when there's something that might increase my anxiety.

Best wishes :hugs:

04-06-14, 09:29
I know exactly what you mean. I tried to ignore this skin cancer story too as that is my particular brand of HA. Why couldn't they just say "We've cured all skin cancer"?

I really hated the way they said there is an EXCITING new BREAKTHROUGH in the cure for cancer and in the same sentance say we have to be cautious and not get too excited. Well, which one is it?

The media I hate most is the Daily Mail. They LOVE stories of (usually) attractive young women on their wedding day who were DEAD just 4 weeks later from some horrible undiagnosed disease.

I do like Embarrassing Bodies though. I find it weirdly comforting.

04-06-14, 10:46
I am also trying to ignore all stories/articles seen too many, Daily Mail I must try to avoid again, I got my bowel cancer worries as well as other cancers fear from reading articles about people who were undiagnosed.