View Full Version : Let's just face it

03-06-14, 20:06
If you read this and are offended then I am sorry as that is not my intention. Let's just face it that most of us , not all , are tormented souls with disturbed minds. We are all searching for that inner peace that we so desperately want , you could almost feel it , the cure is you're mission. The cure is the next pill , the next book , the next mindfulness technique but deep down we feel there is no cure for if there was we wouldn't be able to relate to each other like we could now , through pain. I come on this site because it's the only place I feel where I can be and be accepted by most because rejection is my one true fear. At my best I'm a loving person with so much love to give I'm kind , caring as well as giving. At my worst I'm my own worst enemy I'm moody , sarcastic , narcissistic. I'm 28 years old but at times I feel like a lost little boy who just wants to be cuddled and told that everything will be fine , reassurance is my comfort. As I sit here watching the traffic go by I wonder where did I go wrong in life or where did life go wrong ? I was bullied at school always called fat which has stuck with me for life and I can't even stand shopping for clothes alone due to my fear of looking fat so I need second opinions. My minds like a clock it just goes tick tock , tick tock. 24/7

03-06-14, 20:50
Dave I to was bullied as a child ,thats why I find it hard to trust people because the bullies where as I thought my friends lol how stupid was I its had an inpact on me as an adult ,you need to tell yourself bullies are pathetic ask yourself where are they now and are they any better than you ,and the answer is no they are not ,you certainly dont look fat to me and what if you was love dont let them win xx

03-06-14, 21:23
They are quiet successful to be honest lol typical

03-06-14, 21:43
They are quiet successful to be honest lol typical

Its sad how people think they can do or say what they want to people the trouble is they also have issues they just cant face up to theirs like we can ,sounds like you have give up love dont keep going xx

03-06-14, 21:49
Cheers...complainers on c4 is cheering me up ha ha

04-06-14, 00:35
Dave, I was bullied as a child too and I know how damaging it can be. Lack of trust and confidence, I sometimes cant even trust my own family or friends :doh: Bullies are so pathetic. Be thankful your not and never have been a bully.

Take care