View Full Version : sudden blindness

03-06-14, 20:47
Hi everyone just need rational thinking really. About 5 years ago I had blindness in both eyes, it probably only lasted about 2 minutes then returned to normal.
Me being me has just decided to Google it and straight away brain tumour came up as the main cause.
That was 5 years ago, if it was anything sinister I would of had more symptoms and it would of happened again surely? I don't want to go doctors for something that happened so long ago as I know I sound silly.
what would anyone else do?

03-06-14, 20:50
I recently had an episode of blurred vision really bad. It was due to medication I received in hospital. Took an hour to get back to normal. Could have been something to do with medication? Or migraine? You can get symptoms of migraine before the headache..

03-06-14, 20:53
I wasn't on any meds and I didn't have any headache, just went completely blind for a few minutes x

03-06-14, 21:00
I never gone like that but I had blurred vision thats long periods can I ask you why would you randomley worry about it now ,has something brought this worry back xx

03-06-14, 21:03
To be honest I don't know why I even thought of it. Just came into my head and that was enough to make me feel sick to my stomach and hot and clammy.
when I had it I didn't suffer from HA so didn't really think anything of it. But now I keep thinking about it x

03-06-14, 21:12
If it happened again or you where having others symptoms I would of got it checked ,but 5years ago tells me if it was sinister love you would of known by now xx

03-06-14, 21:18
Miss Anxiety, I am sure it is nothing serious if it happened 5 years ago and nothing has come of it since then. Blessings!:)

03-06-14, 21:21
I really hope so I don't know why im thinking about this at the moment but it has really set me off again. Thanks for your replies x

03-06-14, 22:15
Hi I'm quite sure you're fine as it was so long ago.
Just the other day my mum told me about a man she knew who went blind for five months all because of severe stress! His sight completely recovered. It's scary what your mind is capable of x

04-06-14, 03:10
A friend of mine has "silent migraines", and when she has them her only symptom is she goes blind for a few minutes, her Dr said it was caused by stress alone, no serious medical issues

04-06-14, 03:34
I used to get blindness when I would have a bad IBS attack. Scary as hell. I wouldn't worry about something that happened 5 years ago. I think anxiety can cause that.

04-06-14, 08:44
Thanks everyone so you all wouldn't go doctors? I told my partner my worries and he laughed so im sure it is the anxiety. Woke up feeling sick and shakey this morning. I haven't been like this in ages I was doing well. Hope I haven't relapsed x

04-06-14, 09:14
I too have a friend who gets migraines. He says they almost never involve having a headache. Last year I was in a car with him and some friends and we were on the motorway and he was driving and he suddenly said "I cant see!". I wasn't generally suffering any anxiety at the time but I became quite anxious at that moment. Anyway, he has had the blindness thing about 4 or 5 times he says, with no other symptoms and with years in between.

Also, a lady I work with once went blind at her desk...for about 2 minutes. It was before I worked here but she told me about it. It was years ago and she doesnt know what it was but her doctor said a migraine even though she has never had it before or since.