View Full Version : Me again, really anxious

04-06-14, 00:23
Hello. As most of you know, I'm obsessing about scitz. Or rather someday developing it. My question is about sleep: every site I go to says that a person in his/hers 20es whose developing this, first have many months of disturped dreams and insomnia. Well I cant believe how some people even get 5h :/ I get a maximum of 3-4h per night but sonetimes Im si tired during the day that I take a nap. Reason why I cant sleep is because im afraid of letting go of control and just fall into some dreamland (and mostly, never waking from it). Also my dreams have been very lucid for 9 whole months straight! Could anxiety also cause this?:/ im so scared. But ive also been doing good on somedays recently and ive really cut of googling about this!

04-06-14, 00:34
hi worrier
its ok to have worries but dont let them consume you ,i know its easy to say this and in reallity if your living with it everyday it must be hard but everyone needs sleep with out it our bodies let us know somethings wrong and in your case its coming out in your anxiety and thoughts if your brain isnt getting rest it can give you nightmares but they carnt cause you any harm and being in your 20s and other wise healthy you should think of this as a challenge to get your life back on track and take control of your anxiety challenge your self every night to an extra 30 mins in bed with your lights out and listen to soft low music it distracts your over active mind hope his helps .maggie

04-06-14, 00:44
I think there are tons of people with sleep problems and probably like .0000005% are schitzophrenic. Please try not to google. I know it's hard but it just makes things worse.

04-06-14, 04:54
Hello. As most of you know, I'm obsessing about scitz. Or rather someday developing it. My question is about sleep: every site I go to says that a person in his/hers 20es whose developing this, first have many months of disturped dreams and insomnia. Well I cant believe how some people even get 5h :/ I get a maximum of 3-4h per night but sonetimes Im si tired during the day that I take a nap. Reason why I cant sleep is because im afraid of letting go of control and just fall into some dreamland (and mostly, never waking from it). Also my dreams have been very lucid for 9 whole months straight! Could anxiety also cause this?:/ im so scared. But ive also been doing good on somedays recently and ive really cut of googling about this!

I have problems sleeping at night because I'm afraid of having a heart attack or something in my sleep, so no I do not think it's only schizophrenic ppl. I've had issues with sleep ever since my panic attacks started and like you, I'm always afraid to let go. I think a lot of us who deal with anxiety deal with this sleep issue at some point. :hugs: