View Full Version : Does it get easier

04-06-14, 09:43
Does anxiety and depression get any easier as you get older ? I'm 28 now but I wouldn't say it's got easier it's just easier for me to escape it. However , I've noticed it's much more intense now !

04-06-14, 10:26
I did not experience any form of panic or anxiety until my mid 20's and a very stressful period. Now being 42 I am going through one of the hardest periods of anxiety ever. It is mostly related to the therapy I am doing with my psych and the anxiety is reacting to that very harshly, but I do not know how to not fight it. So I guess it does not get easier, just sometimes it is not as bad. Keep up the fight and it IS possible to overcome though.

04-06-14, 10:35
The depression has remained the same. I am more aware of the warning signs, but after each episode it does not get easier to live with.

However, as I learn new techniques to cope with anxiety it has become easier. I no longer experience panic attacks and each time anxiety hits I know what to do. Of course, there are situations like going to the dentist or a job interview that causes anxiety and I can't make it go away, but I know how to cope with it.

04-06-14, 10:38
That book healing without freud or prozac , is it easy to understand ?

04-06-14, 11:00
Very easy