12-12-06, 12:33
hey guys, and a very good morning , afternoon , and evening to all depending on where you are in the world right now.

just wanna start off by saying a big thank you to everyone out there who has made me feel so welcome. you the greatest guys. :D:D

for the last number of months my anx has been targeted in on certain ars of my body, ( my left side,) as some of you will have read from previous posts,

i just cant seem to get it into my head that this is all just bad muscle tension, i mean is it possible for tension to last for such a long period of time, right now i can feel my neck, tensing up an da pain going down the back of my arm, my breast is hard as well as my shoulder blade, and it feels like there is pressure being applied to theleft side of my neck,

i cant go back to the do.c as she says there is nothing wrong and wont send me to have it checked out at the hospital.

If only this would go away then i would be able to relax and feel secure enough about leaving the house on my own,

its been nearly 12 months now and for the most of it i have been house bound, im either on the pc, or sitting in my bros room playing the xbox ( which isnt good )

i have no friends who come and see me, or call, and i have been taken outta my job and back to my mums now for teh last yr as i couldnt cope, so now i have no job, no money , and im sleeping on the floor in my mums house, i feel like a caged animal today, im not depressed just really really really fed up with it all, i just want a break, know what i mean? but this dam bloody tension is doing my head in ( if thats what it is).

im sorry to ramble on, there are those of you out there who really need comfort more than me. i just dont know what to think or believe .

steve( oh and its ment to be airwolf not airowlf, my typo)

12-12-06, 12:48
Hi Airwolf

From what you say I think the best relief would be a course of deep muscle massage.

The problem with tension is muscles have memory and will twist into the same knots time and time again. I suffered with that and I had massage for a sports injury..the physio asked, do you suffer with tension knots and then proceded to point them all out on my back and shoulders.

It worked big time!! And as i sit here I'm thinking I need a revisit!!



What's so funny about peace, love and understanding?

12-12-06, 13:04
Hi Steve,

Aww big hugs for you today. Me will chat to you later ok. xxx

Take Care


Ma Larkin
12-12-06, 13:35
Hi Steve, I suffer pretty bad from anxiety related tension. I take far too many paracetamol (I don't exceed the dose, but treat them like a course of anti-biotics if you like, 2 in a morning etc).

I've just started taking Quiet Life tablets which I got from the supermarket and they are absolutely ace for chilling you out. They do relieve the tension as well as give you a good nights sleep, so I'm pretty chuffed at the moment. Still taking the bloody paracetamol though! You've probably done me a favour here, because I'm gonna try and not take the paracetamol, now that I've mentioned it.

I can tell you that I've had tension as long as I've had anxiety (coming upto 3 years now). It comes with the territory I suppose, but I'm determined to beat it.


12-12-06, 13:51
Hi stephen

I've PM'd you.


Ma Larkin
12-12-06, 14:20
Hi Ste, Steve, Stevie, Stephen (whichever you're most comfortable with :-)!!

I'm an X-Box addict, I just love Tiger Woods tournaments. I don't half cheat when I'm playing with the kids. I send them upstairs on a Sunday to do their homework and I absolutely hammer the X-Box so I can score more points to get better clubs and a longer drive etc!! My youngest is only 6 and he thinks I'm the bees knees on it haha!! If only he knew!!

Can't be much fun kipping on your mum's floor. Must be really lonely for you too. I went through a phase of not wanting to see or speak to anyone and it really ate away at me. I'm not too bad now, but I do miss adult company (single mum with 3 kids an all that). I have always managed to work full-time through all this, which has been a good thing. There are times when I don't wanna get out of bed in a morning, but I've still got to get the kids up for school, so its pointless.

Hope the tension eases for you soon. I find comedies are a good remedy, the trouble is, I end up with my sides and stomach aching because I've laughed too much!! I love Peter Kay and am a bit of a saddo because I am a Chubby Brown fan (a bit risque I suppose but I love the way he gets away with insulting people - I'd have been lynched by now!!) I also find reading eases the tension, get a good gripping book and tuck myself in bed (or in your case the floor - oops, couldn't resist that). Only joking, and trying to put a smile on your face.

Take care mate and hope you find something to sort out your tension. it is only tension honest.

Les, xx

12-12-06, 15:00
again guys thanks so much for all your support , dont know what i would do with out ya,

if you guys want take my msn from my profile and add me.,

i love to chat

12-12-06, 16:15
Hi Steve

Have you tried a relaxation CD. I find if I use mine it certainly helps with the tension in my muscles. I work through the muscle groups tensing them and then relaxing them. It takes practice but I feel it works. I also find I have bad muscle tension in the shoulders and neck, this is made worse when using the PC. Do you maybe spend alot of time on the PC. If so have you checked your posture? Also sleeping on the floor can't be comfortable and you may have got a draught.

Sorry I can't be more helpful.


12-12-06, 18:28
Hi Steve,

Heres some posts that may help you relax more:

Muscle pain
Fatigued Muscles (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=2702)
aching muscles (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=3356)
very strange panic attack symptoms (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=5071)

Tense muscles
tense muscles (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=3766)
Are these heart symptoms? (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=4805)
Achy (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=5488)
Fuzzy head, back pains, confusion, dreamy, fatigue (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=5835)
Aches, Pains,Everywhere, (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=6419)
Anxiety : A Pain In The Neck! (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=6575)
Chronic Muscle pain (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=7327)

fear of relaxing (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=3762)
Visualisation Technique? (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=414)
Relaxation.. Questions? (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=5396)



"If you have a worry turn it into a problem, you cant solve worrys but you can solve problems"

13-12-06, 22:40
Hi Airwolf

Perhaps simplistic, but do you think sleeping on the floor is exacerbating the problem? Also, you say you spend a lot of time on the computer .... make sure you are sitting correctly as the pain could be posture related.

Kay x