View Full Version : Oral check appointment - eventually!

04-06-14, 14:15
Not been on here for a while, I've been quite good of late, after a change of tablets which seemed to help and other things going on which distracted me I think.

I posted a while back about my tongue worries, ulcers etc. I bite my tongue but a mouth guard has helped a lot, at night at least.

Anyway, I was referred to the dental hospital and have only just got my appointment through. I am not as worried as I was but I'm a bit worried that it will trigger my anxiety all over again as I approach the appt, I momentarily did think of not going at all but saw sense. I still have the ulcers but they haven't gotten bigger or worsened in any way. Just want it over with now :-/

07-07-14, 12:46
Update: My tongue is fine, although I do apparently have geographic tongue, it's nothing to worry about. The biting is making my mouth sore but the Prof wasn't at all worried. Phew! To say the least :-)