View Full Version : Running and palpitations.

04-06-14, 15:41
So, in the last few months I started developing a running routine to help combat my anxiety.

It went great at the start. I've been settting up my distance bar higher and higher, starting with 1-2km, now trying out 4-6km per run. 2 days ago I ran a course that I plotted which involved a bit more strain (more elevation, longer distance), so it took a tool. When I finished my course, I felt a palpitation - like a minute after I stopped running.

I'm a hypochondriac, and as such I too went through the heart-worry phase, where I had numerous EKGs, specific blood tests, a cardio-stress test on a treadmill and a uneventful 24h Holter Monitor. Results were evaluated and declared normal with terrible shape (which comes after living a sedentary life for months).

I'm afraid these palpitations are raising doubts in me again, so I guess what I'm asking is if anyone can relate? Anyone who is exercising and feeling palps DURING the workout?

Thanks for any input.

04-06-14, 21:58
Not sure what to think about lack of replies. :)

Is no one exercising? Do you exercise and not experience any kinds of symptoms? Do you experience them and ignore them? Considering we're on a HA board, I somehow doubt it. :)

But if you are able and do NOT exercise at all, then I'm afraid you're dealing with anxiety completely wrong. :)

So bump.

04-06-14, 22:02
I can't exercise because it brings on my asthma (even thigh I medicate it) which generally brings on a panic attack. It's a nasty circle. Now I just walk approx five miles a day but nothing strenuous. That way I get my exercise without thinking I am going to die.

04-06-14, 22:06
i have had palpatations when exercising in the middle of and at the end, its just extra adrenalin pumping through the body ... adrenalin is what causes alot of anxiety symptoms and a palpatation wont hurt you, ive had them for 7 years now and im still here and u mentioned that its raised doubts AGAIN so deep down inside you know it wont hurt you as you have had them before and will probably have them again, its adrenalin ... i truly believe that is a major factor in anxiety. xx

04-06-14, 22:12
I can't exercise because it brings on my asthma (even thigh I medicate it) which generally brings on a panic attack. It's a nasty circle. Now I just walk approx five miles a day but nothing strenuous. That way I get my exercise without thinking I am going to die.
That's a justifiable reason, although I'm wondering if asthma would physically disable you from making a step forward in exercise strain? I'm not really familiar with asthma as a disability, but can it be improved with exercise? (Ofcourse with simultanious usage of proper medicine).

ectopicsufferer: Yeah, I said that to myself today when I went for a run today. All the time I was on the verge of a panic attack but somehow finished the course. It just sucks the feeling of insecurity that you can get with a single thump in the chest, lol.

04-06-14, 23:09
I need to run or my anxiety is so much worse!! I get palpitations all the time however it's not a symptom that I'm scared of so I don't focus on it much. My main symptom is dizziness which does get bad on occasion when running, I find listening to music takes my mind off of it :) also I remember being told a way to stop palpitations that does work for me. If I jerk my stomach (like the way you do when you sneeze) they tend to stop.... Not sure if its a placebo effect or not but it works lol xXx

04-06-14, 23:14

This is just a courtesy reply to let you know that your post was moved from its original place to a sub-forum that is more relevant to your problem.

This is nothing personal - it just enables us to keep posts about the same problems in the relevant forums so other members with any experience with the issues can find them more easily.

Catherine S
04-06-14, 23:20
I also have an irregular heart beat when doing exercise, although these days I mostly go walking, but in the past if I went swimming or played badminton etc, my heart would miss some beats and flutter. As 'ectopicsufferer' said its down to the extra adrenalin, and also a change in breathing patterns. Ectopics can also happen during sex too, although for obvious reasons people find it too embarrassing to ask about it :)

05-06-14, 00:47
I was so confused when I couldn't find the thread, lol.

My experience is that these palpitations are like an occasional "thump" in the center of my chest, like some kind of a spasm. I'm not even sure these are palpitations or something else (maybe muscle/esophagus related). It's weird.

05-06-14, 07:16
I get them sometimes when I am on the treadmill but I ignore them and just carry on x

05-06-14, 09:35
Ive also suffered from these devils for quite a while.

I started running ½ year ago, and Ive had a few missed beats while running, and it also freaks me out every time :(

Sometimes I get them while having high pulse, and sometimes just when Ive finished running.

For me, it feels like 2 small bumps in the chest, and it kinda feels like its itching in my chest afterwards. And then comes the doubts and the luring panic, the inner discussion between the "Panic! RUN!" vs "Take it easy, you are ok, nothing to worry about".

I hope you find inspiration and comfort that you arent alone..

Sorry for my language - English isnt my 1st language.


05-06-14, 19:09
i sometimes wonder if im confusing something happening in my stomach with an ectopic beat lol i had a band fitted last year and have lost nearly 7 stone ... but i had ectopic beats before the band so hmm back to the drawing board again ! xx

05-06-14, 22:49
i sometimes wonder if im confusing something happening in my stomach with an ectopic beat lol i had a band fitted last year and have lost nearly 7 stone ... but i had ectopic beats before the band so hmm back to the drawing board again ! xx

I know what you mean. Sometimes I wonder if it's some kind of a esophageal spasm or something and not my heart.

12-06-14, 08:16
As for the ectopics during the exercise - in my case I get them occasionaly when cycling @ 130 BPM (I'm on beta blocker so my pulse doesn't go much higher than this). They are of course unpleasant and when there are couple of them in a few minutes I do freak out a bit.
Single ones are ok-ish but I am still having hard time coping with multiple ones, including the "hammering" as some of you call it which happened only in resting (so far).

If the adrenalin / cortisol provoke them (which has kind of been proven) I wonder what can we do to lower the excretion of these hormones to maybe nullify the ectopics during the excercise...