View Full Version : Pain at the back of my head :(

04-06-14, 15:45
Hi everyone!

I'm new here, although I've been a reader from the sidelines and have found this forum to be a great help to me.

My anxiety has been through the roof since Friday - I'm on beta blockers, and for a while have had my anxiety under control. I had a panic attack in the early hours of Saturday morning which scared the life out of me, and since I've had to get valium from my GP to help me sleep.

I have a stabbing pain at the bottom left of my head - where my head meets my neck - intermittently. It hurts for a few seconds, then goes. I feel general tightness around my head (but the pain is mainly on the one side).

Of course, I'm sure that anxiety is the culprit, given it has been so bad the last few days. I know I can feel tension in the area, and across my shoulders, but my irrational mind is telling me I have a brain tumour.

I was only at the doctors yesterday telling them I couldn't breathe, and that I felt like I was having a heart attack (full knowing it's anxiety). I couldn't bring myself to go back now and say actually it's a brain tumour :(

Please help put my mind at rest - anyone else get this kind of headache?

Thank you <3

04-06-14, 15:48
I get the same kind of headache, but can't help much too because I'm not totally unconvinced I don't have a brain tumor. I did have two brain MRIs a couple of years ago and they were fine (well they did find an abnormality but it was totally unrelated) so unless I've grown a brain tumor since then I guess I should assume it's tension in my neck / shoulders. I recently started wearing a bite guard at not because I think I probably clench my teeth. It has helped relieve the neck pain and headaches a little, although not completely.

04-06-14, 15:50
Thank you for the quick response Mama!

Do you get them on the left hand side, where your skull meets your neck?

04-06-14, 16:14
Yep - left hand side where skull meets neck. Plus the pain sometimes radiates up the back of my head.