View Full Version : forgetful? numb face?!

04-06-14, 17:08
Hello everyone! I've been reading the forums for a little while now and thought it was prime time to set up an account. I'm 22 years old and have suffered with anxiety for most of my life, even when I look back now things I thought were just weird symptoms make sense now I've been diagnosed!

My problem at the moment is I keep forgetting mundane things, like at work I'll put a bottle of chemical in a room and then 2 minutes later forget which room I put it in (I'm a cleaner) . Or at home I'll start doing something and then a little while in I'll sort of snap back to reality and be like ..what am I doing this for?

I've also been getting numbness in my face during times of anxiety, but I can still move my face and feel it when I touch it, but if I'm just sitting around I feel as though I have no control of my face/like my face is drooping... even though it isn't.

I've never had health anxiety persay and that's why I'm worried that maybe my anxiety is taking a turn for the worse? I even ended up calling 111 yesterday and visiting the doctors because I thought I was having a stroke.. obviously not.

I was just wondering if anyone else had experienced this sort of extreme symptom?

04-06-14, 17:26
I often go numb on my left side due to anxiety, I used to think I was having a stroke-I know now it's just the onset of a panic attack. I used to get that symptom a lot at your age. The good news is that it has subsidedwith age. You are most likely forgetting things due to the stress of anxiety. Stress is known to affect the memory.

04-06-14, 17:58
I would get the facial numb feeling checked out by a doctor just to be safe but it's quite common in anxiety. I don't get numbness but I do get a weird sensation on the right side of my face like I'm wincing from.something about to hit me there. Like my reflexes are ready to duck or turn aside. No reason for this, just seemed to come in my lovely anxiety package! I do know thoigh that the more you worry about something, the worse it is. So if you get a medical all clear, you can relax and chalk it up to silly old anxiety. It won't hurt you at all. Welcome to nmp by the way :)

04-06-14, 18:37
Thank you for your responses!!

Yeah I had it checked yesterday and he said he couldn't find any problems and that it probably was just anxiety but it shocked me that it could produce symptoms so horrible!

Thank you for the welcome! :)

04-06-14, 19:18
It is shocking how powerful your mind can be in making you feel awful, but you're also in control more than you think :) hang in there and positive thoughts! Are you treating it at all?

04-06-14, 21:33
I'm trying to just not think about it like my doc said and its true when I'm not really thinking about it it's not as bad! Ugh I feel crazy! I take diazepam when I'm n desperate need but never daily. All the other things they've tried make me feel sick :(