View Full Version : Feeling hopeless

04-06-14, 18:25
Hi all

I've had anxiety for a couple of years now. I'd learned to manage it, i take meds for it (80mg propranolol) and was getting on okay. These past few days my anxiety has intensified ten-fold. I didn't sleep at all last night as I was having persistent heart palps from 10pm until I got up this morning.

I took my meds which did nothing, I spent all night trying to keep my head above water and not call an ambulance! I felt alone and desperate and wanted to weep - I've been better today but just don't feel myself.

Been to the docs and I've been put on Citalopram in addition to my propranolol and she's referring me to a cardiologist to rule out a problem with my heart, which I'm pleased about but at the same time it's fed my anxiety.

I'm only 25, used to be the life and soul and now I don't feel i know myself and don't even want to get up in the mornings! Just wondered if anyone has been here and how they got past it


04-06-14, 19:00
Sorry to hear you're having such a hard time of it lately.

At one point I had learned to successfully control my anxiety, and like you, took 80mg propranolol a day. I had a run of bad nights when I was 25 and became ultra aware of my racing heart. I had a lot of cardiology input/tests, but what helped me was switching from a short-acting beta blocker (propranolol) to a longer acting one. Atenolol is tolerated by most people, but made me feel like I was dying, and finally I tried bisoprolol which worked like a charm.

Now, even when my heart races, I am unaware of it unless I check my pulse. I'm healthier, more able to exercise (which in turn has helped reduce my symptoms of a racing heart), and my resting heart rate has come down from 120ish to below 90 (when I'm not anxious). I learned to manage my anxiety again, and although things crop up now and then, like a virus or something else that knocks my system and brings anxiety right back to the present - I can deal with them eventually, too.

There is hope, and a racing heart is one of the simplest symptoms/causes of anxiety to manage. With a little trial and error and input from some specialists, hopefully you can get on top of this quite easily!

Good luck :)

04-06-14, 19:07
I'm the same age as you are. Look for the success stories on this forum and they will give you hope. I have anxiety, but have come a long way really. The meds may make you feel worse right away, but a lot of people do so well once they're used to it.