View Full Version : Holiday

04-06-14, 19:29
Hi this is my 1st post on here. I'm after abit of advice. I've suffered with anxiety amd panic attacks for about 3 years now. Am 27 this month. 1st it was so bad I couldn't leave the house without feeling like I was goin to faint. I overcome this by myself. Eventually eased my way back to work. Still had anxiety but could cope better. Since about September last year the symptoms have slowly started creeping back. I get the feeling of drained and faint in work thoughtout the day. Can be really scary but I get myself through it somehow. But it gets me really depressed. Went gp and 1st time ever I've took a tablet setraline. I also have just started using rescue remedy. Although I feel slightly better in myself. I have a holiday booked to turkey at the end of July. And the thought of it is terrifying me. The thought of my anxiety and panic on the plane. More than anything. Has anybody delt with 'anxiety abroad' any help would be appreciated. Thanks
Lisa x

04-06-14, 19:39
Hi welcome to NMP :) This was a thread I started early last year about a holiday http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=129597
I can book them but then after I start to panic. I am going away again next week and already getting anxious but I just feel the fear and do it anyway :)

04-06-14, 20:31
My family are also wanting to go abroad this year too. I've had anxiety since August last year. 'Funnily' enough whilst i was away with my family (not abroad) so naturally im also worried about going abroad.

I'm interested in this rescue remedy. I know a friend who bought the chewing gum to use on the day of his wedding - he said he thought it worked!

04-06-14, 21:25
Thanks for the replies. Annie how did u get on in Croatia? Like yourself I am determind to get there! It's just the worrying of how am going to feel. Cause I won't no till am on the plane! Haha. Did rescue remedy work for you?

Lisa x

04-06-14, 21:39
Hey hun! I feel your pain, I had my first ever plane journey last September and I was scared beyond belief of going! My boyfriend booked it for us so that kind of spurred me to go even though I was freaking out !

What helped me was knowing I had some form of meds on me, I took my diazepam in my bag and snapped one in half and took that as we were taking off.. I don't know if it was a total placebo for me but it definitely worked, even my boyfriend was surprised!! I didn't have any anxiety whilst on the actual holiday either so that made me feel a lot better about coming back on the plane too.

04-06-14, 21:45
I'm currently dealing with anxiety abroad! Strangely enough I was completely calm travelling and on the plane.. Maybe knowing that I have to do something means there is no other option but to deal with it. I was really worried beforehand too though, but go for it and you'll be fine. Yeah it might be tough at times but it'll be worth it!

04-06-14, 21:50
Hi Lucy!

Thanks for the reply Hun. That's made me feel a lot better. I don't take diazepan but on my 2nd week of sertraline and I must say I do feel abit brighter. So I will continue to take them. How was ur experience with alcohol on holiday? I haven't had any since taking these because am worried it could react with them xx

---------- Post added at 21:50 ---------- Previous post was at 21:47 ----------

Thanks Kimberly. I've been abroad loads of times just not since the anxiety kicked in. So I no how much I enjoy it. It's got to be done just have to get myself in that frame of mind. It's 7 weeks away and I'm already worried. How stupid haha x

04-06-14, 21:55
Yay! :) I must say I'm not a big drinker, but I did find with the few I had I realised I had become a bit of a lightweight!

04-06-14, 21:56
Thanks for the replies. Annie how did u get on in Croatia? Like yourself I am determind to get there! It's just the worrying of how am going to feel. Cause I won't no till am on the plane! Haha. Did rescue remedy work for you?

Lisa x

I had a lovely time once I got there :) I use Rescue Remedy a lot :)

04-06-14, 21:58
Wow use have all made me feel so much better. To think I joined this site in 2012 am never posted. Thanks a lot girls :)
