View Full Version : Lymph node worry once more

04-06-14, 20:11
I found a hard, slightly mobile, pea sized lymph node in my neck going on six weeks ago. On call dr sent me to surgeon, surgeon said that it could be due to anything, but if it were cancerous it's likely to be skin cancer that has spread. The only way to know for sure would be a biopsy. Went to regular dr to get anxiety meds and told her. She felt nodes, did blood CBC (all normal) and told me that they felt reactive, probably as a result of the dental infection I was on antibiotics. Gave me stronger antibiotics and recommended I cancel biopsy since it was highly unlikely to be cancer given they didn't feel cancerous and I had an infection in a tooth on the same side as the node. Well, six weeks, two dentists and an endodontist later it runs out I never did have a dental infection. I have neuralgia and have been prescribed steroids and muscle relaxants to see if that helps my nerves to heal. Endodontist (root canal specialist) said the is absolutely no sign of infection - both dentists previously said the same thing but the first said that even though it wasn't visible as an infection it still probably was. I didn't want to get a root canal treatment based on this and thus went to a second dentist who found nothing and referred me to the endodentist. So it seems we can be sure there was no infect.

So my issue here is what the heck is going on with my lymph node? It hasn't grown in six weeks, hasn't shrunk either. The node itself is hard (I had an infection in the past six weeks that caused nodes on the other side to swell, but they definitely felt way squishier than this one) I can't really tell if the node moves or whether it is just my skin moving over it. Needless to say, I am freaking out again. I have a doctors appointment this afternoon but could really use some words of encouragement.

04-06-14, 20:53
Everyone can feel nodes. They are sometimes hard, sometimes soft. They sometimes go up and down and you won't know the reason. If the doctor tells you it is fine, you must trust them.

I believe your goal should be to stop feeling the nodes. You aren't going to find anything except misery, and you can make them sore.

No doctor would diagnose an illness based on feeling your glands only; they would ask other questions and expect to see other symptoms. If nothing had changed in six weeks, most (non panicky) people would forget all about it.

04-06-14, 20:57
The problem is, my doctor was sure it was reacting to a dental infection. However, I have since learned that there is not and never was, a dental infection, so it kind of contradicts what she said. Moreover, I have had it six weeks now with no change, which I was told by the surgeon was a red flag. I do have two other smaller nodes near them which are also hard and apparently non mobile. However, they are tiny.

04-06-14, 21:09
My daughter has had a whopping node in her neck for years now. It's visible if she looks up. It varies from medium-large, to very-large if she is fighting an infection. It never goes down.

Please do what your doctors have told you to do, but trust their judgement afterwards, and set a goal to stop checking the nodes yourself unless instructed to do so.

04-06-14, 21:10
The fact it hasn't grown in 6 weeks bodes positive. I recall the surgeon wanted to do a biopsy but you refused because of the cost and some events taking place in your life. If indeed this is deemed suspicious, the only definitive way to know is by biopsy. Usually, a FNAB (fine needle aspiration biopsy) is sufficient.

I had head and neck cancer. I had a node in my neck that was a lot bigger than a pea, wasn't responsive to two rounds of antibiotics and grew. Typically, anything 1.5cm is considered normal and a pea is typically 1cm. If you're poking and prodding (you are aren't you? ;) ), you're just aggravating it and that can cause it to swell or stay swollen.

You've had conflicting opinions. If you want to be sure, you want the opinion of an experienced ENT.

Positive thoughts

04-06-14, 21:24
Of course I am poking and prodding! Even though I promise myself daily I won't. Please note, that even though the biopsy was pretty darn expensive, it was not my only reason to avoid it - my PCP said there was no need, and the surgeon would only do it under sedation - I'm pretty much petrified of sedation. Plus, I bought a house the day before the biopsy was scheduled, which was a whole load of anxiety in itself. I have the opportunity to reschedule if I choose that path. I'm off to my PCP again in a couple of hours and may ask her for a referral to ENT.

I'm thinking that the lack of change in six weeks, plus the fact I have had two normal CBCs a normal metabolic bloodwork, and a normal urinalysis in that time, is at least somewhat positive.

04-06-14, 21:43
The most positive thing is that you're using positive self talk... that's way ahead of the game...

Positive thoughts

04-06-14, 21:57
Hahahaha -now all I have to do is actually start believing myself.

Working through a round of CBT I found online (tried a therapist but since my hubby is out of town for work all the time and I have no family in the country, it really didn't work going only once a month) and just ordered a book from Amazon that had great reviews, so maybe soon I will be able to get over this and get on with my life.