View Full Version : Extremely visible abdominal pulse, abdominal aortic aneurysm?

04-06-14, 21:45
I've been stressed out for the past couple of months. I had my first panic attack ever, about two weeks ago. I thought it was a heart attack. All the tests checked out clear, and I was sent home and told to "worry less".

My main concern right now, is my strong abdominal pulse. It follows my heart beat and looks like a vibration of the whole stomach. I see it when I'm lying down. If I lay my phone on top of my stomach, you can see it almost literally jumping with each pulse.

I don't see/feel any particular lumps, but naturally I'm worried, because I've never noticed this until about a month ago.

I'm a 21 year old male, so not exactly the demographic of this issue. However, my grandfather died of an aneurysm (not sure if abdominal or the chest thingy).. though, at the tender age of 91.

I have a doctor's appointment on the 24th. I mentioned the abdominal pulse to him on my last visit, but he laughed and said he could see his as well. I didn't really stress how hard the pulse seemed, and just accepted his answer.

I am not particularly skinny either, I have a bit of a lordotic gut.

God I'm so freaked out.

04-06-14, 21:51
This is perfectly normal and most people get it so your doctor is right. It is normal

04-06-14, 21:53
I have this too! I don't think it's anything to worry about, sometimes I can see mine and then other times I can't. You might just be more aware of it now because you have had this anxiety lately? I know for sure I zoom in on my symptoms/natural state after I've been through a rough time . I thought I was having a stroke yesterday!

04-06-14, 21:55
This is perfectly normal and most people get it so your doctor is right. It is normal

But why is this only happening recently? I am 99% sure I have never experienced this prior to one month ago. I have BDD, so I've always paid close attention to my body..

I don't even know what answer I'm looking for. I guess I am so mentally fragile I need reassurance....:/

I'm going to explain to my doctor that an ultrasound would really ease my mind and help my anxiety. I've had a couple of good days, and then I noticed that annoying stomach pulsing while laying on the couch this afternoon. It doesn't take more than that to 180 everything. Now I have rashes on my face from my anxiety sky-rocketing...Damnit.

04-06-14, 21:58
I am sure it has not just happened recently, it is because you just noticed it recently. Perfectly normal and nothing to worry about.

04-06-14, 21:59
I have this too! I don't think it's anything to worry about, sometimes I can see mine and then other times I can't. You might just be more aware of it now because you have had this anxiety lately? I know for sure I zoom in on my symptoms/natural state after I've been through a rough time . I thought I was having a stroke yesterday!

You are definitely right on "zooming in" on symptoms. This month I've had a blood clot in my leg, leukemia, a heart attack, and now an enlarged bulging abdominal aorta.. :doh:

---------- Post added at 21:59 ---------- Previous post was at 21:58 ----------

I am sure it has not just happened recently, it is because you just noticed it recently. Perfectly normal and nothing to worry about.

It's possible that it's always been there to a lighter degree, but I don't recall ever observing it to be honest. I've always had the remote control/phone resting on my tummy when lying down, and I've never had this..

04-06-14, 22:09
Oddly enough, I didn't notice mine until my anxiety started to peak but the pulse was very strong. I was lying on my bed reading an ebook on my tablet when I must have moved it down on to my stomach momentarily. It then started jumping about, so I moved it away and could clearly see and feel it in my stomach.

I'm sure this is perfectly normal and has only become an issue because of anxiety. I do appreciate however, that it's probably not going to put your mind at rest. Anxiety loves to make mountains out of molehills, but I think you'll look back on this in the future as just another episode that you had nothing to worry about.

05-06-14, 00:03
Your AA is the largest and most elastic blood vessel in your body. This happens, especially in people with anxiety who have a very strong heart beat because of cortisol and adrenaline levels. I never noticed mine until I started having problems with anxiety. I'm not kidding, my party trick used to be lying on the sofa and putting candy on my abdomen, right above or below my navel, and people would watch it jump all over the place.

I had 2 years that were relatively anxiety free recently, and it actually stopped happening. Recently, after a setback, there it is again. I've had three echocardiograms and it's been happening for 9 years. I'm fine, just like everyone else who commented. You will be too.

Speak to your doctor to put your mind at rest. My cardiologist put my mind at rest instantly, I'm sure your GP would too.

08-07-18, 21:43
I've been stressed out for the past couple of months. I had my first panic attack ever, about two weeks ago. I thought it was a heart attack. All the tests checked out clear, and I was sent home and told to "worry less".

My main concern right now, is my strong abdominal pulse. It follows my heart beat and looks like a vibration of the whole stomach. I see it when I'm lying down. If I lay my phone on top of my stomach, you can see it almost literally jumping with each pulse.

I don't see/feel any particular lumps, but naturally I'm worried, because I've never noticed this until about a month ago.

I'm a 21 year old male, so not exactly the demographic of this issue. However, my grandfather died of an aneurysm (not sure if abdominal or the chest thingy).. though, at the tender age of 91.

I have a doctor's appointment on the 24th. I mentioned the abdominal pulse to him on my last visit, but he laughed and said he could see his as well. I didn't really stress how hard the pulse seemed, and just accepted his answer.

I am not particularly skinny either, I have a bit of a lordotic gut.

God I'm so freaked out.

Hi are u still on the site ?

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08-07-18, 23:35
Hi are u still on the site ?

Hasn't been on since Last Activity: 27-07-14 10:40

Positive thoughts

09-07-18, 15:50
Hasn't been on since Last Activity: 27-07-14 10:40

Positive thoughts

Can you feel a strong pulse slightly to the left of you belly button when you push down ?

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