View Full Version : Why is no one talking to me ?

04-06-14, 22:32
Hi guys I have health anxiety and general anxiety I wake up every morning feeling dizzy does anyone have this ? Also when I lie on my side I can feel my heart pulsating through my ribs I'm so anxious all the time I'm in need of help so bad I'm on citalopram 10mg and have been for almost 3 week I seem to have good days and bad days when I'm alone I have to sleep on the sete because I feel so alone

04-06-14, 22:36
Hi darren I wake up dizzy aswell it seems to go as the day goes on but sometimes its all day its just horrible anxiety we have xx

04-06-14, 22:39
Hi Darren Rory to hear you are feeling so anxious, I know how you feel, I am on week 4 of taking cipralex and my anxiety is still bad until about 5pm.
You will get lots of support and good advice on here so don't feel alone.
Sending you a hug:hugs:

04-06-14, 22:41
Thank you :) I just wish I could meet someone like me in person. I go to work and I feel like asking every costermer if they have what I have just so I can relate :(

04-06-14, 22:50
I do know what you mean, hang in there the medication has already started to work as you have good spells, don't be too hard on yourself 3 weeks in your doing amazingly well.
Have you got friends or family you can talk to? :)

04-06-14, 22:55
I have a friend to talk to but no family I'm fine I can beat this the chest pains and dizzy ness gets me down so much though

04-06-14, 23:01
Darren go back and talk to your doctor tomorrow, he may increase your dose as it is low, tell him about your anxiety chest pains, my doctor prescribed me propanalol 40mg whilst my Cipralex kicks in, really helps, or some people on here have been prescribed diazepam.
If you can't get an appointment to see GP tomorrow ask for a phone appointment they can leave a prescription for you behind the desk.
Good luck :)

04-06-14, 23:03
I have an appointment with my doctor tommoro she has oready proscribed my propranalol but I have been scared of taking them she also up my dose to 20 mg but I went through so many side affects of the 10mg I was scared of starting then sounds strange but anxiety can be a b***h

04-06-14, 23:04
Darren ask your gp about going to a panic group I went to one it was great it was people with the same problems as me ,it was a relief to speak to people who really new how I felt xx dont worry about taking propranol I take 80 mg and 100mg of sert it really helps me xx

04-06-14, 23:08
I'm on an urgent list for cbt :) and I will ask about the groups tommoro that would help me so much xx

04-06-14, 23:16
Darren the side effects will only be for a day or two when you up your dose or you may not get any as you have been on them for 3 weeks already, propanalol has no side effects for me and it really helps with the anxiety in your chest, your GP sounds like she/he knows how to help you... Good you are getting CBT I am on the waiting list too :) hope you sleep well, good that you have your friend to confide in. :)

04-06-14, 23:21
:) thank you all for the chat it's so nice to relate and get someone to talk to xx

04-06-14, 23:26
:) thank you all for the chat it's so nice to relate and get someone to talk to xx

Anytime love thats why we are all here for to help each other :bighug1:xx

04-06-14, 23:46
Hi Darren,

3 months ago, I was in your position, feeling exactly like you. The dizziness is a tricky one to manage, because you feel like you are going to pass out/ fall over or something worse. I felt this everyday, but there will be days when you feel a little better or moments when it goes away completely. The thing is not to worry. I never passed out/fell over or had something bad happen to me. It is a symptom of Anxiety. You think its more, but its not. 3 months down the line and I have free days of dizziness and I am improving all the time. The heart pounding is a disturbing one and can keep you awake at night. I found laying on my right side more comforting and don't try to make yourself go to sleep. Just lay there and eventually you will drop off. This is another symptom of Anxiety. I know you are taking medication, but you have to will it your mind that you want to get better as well. It won't happen over night, but you will notice a gradual improvement. You may feel very emotional, scared, panicky, lost, isolated, confused and obviously anxious. It is ok to feel all of this, your Mind is adjusting itself, working things out, and you will come out of it. Just take one day at a time. Your Mind will repair your Bodily Symptoms gradually. And remember, you are not alone, we have all gone/going through this.:)

04-06-14, 23:51
Wow thanks carnation that's made me feel slightly better :) x

06-06-14, 13:56
I hope you had a good chat with your GP. 10mg is a low dose and is good for starting someone on. I'm on 40mg citalopram and, like someone said above am also on diazepam to help wth the side effects. Anxiety feels hideous, it's easily the worst thing I've ever had to deal with. I get dizzy too, and chest pains, and I feel sick and I shake. But I'm gradually moving forward and feeling better. Minutes of feeling ok join together and ge longer. Days without bad spells eventually join together. I have found it really helpful to understand where my anxiety has stemmed from (through counselling) and am working on my negative self talk - basically treat myself nicely, and to establush soe coping techniques. My way isn't the only way, I just wanted you to know that you're not alone and that, even thought I'm still on this journey, I believe it's possible to get to a better place.