View Full Version : high resting heart rate for few days now

04-06-14, 22:42
hi guys, so, I've been having a pretty high resting heart rate for the last few days... About 95 to about 110... I'm not sure if this is dangerous, or if its normal... It's honestly worrying me a little bit... is this bad? Has anybody else have this before? My crush is staying with me for the week over at my housewhile my parents are gone off to Washington DC. He's 27 and I'm 22., and it's kind of messing with me a little bit psychologically. Lake, I'm a little bit over excited half the time or like... I don't know. usually my resting heart rate is about 85 or 70... But I'm not really sure what's going on. I've been to the dr about 3 times last year for an EKG... And everything turned out normal. I've even had a heart monitor and everything else is normal. Okay yeah, I am a bit overweight... Ok kind of a lot overweight, but not like morbidly obese. But most of it is muscle and the other half is fat. Anyways that's totally off topic. but my question is is this safe?? he is at work right now and I'm home alone cleaning and stuff...I had a pretty bad episode this morning and my heart rate went up to about 130, even while I was calm it was still about 115. I feel pretty nauseous too, and dizzy. I'm not sure if I'm getting sick or not, or if it's a side effect of this high heart rate... If you haven't been able to notice some, I'm kind of a hypochondriac. and I have extreme phobia of my heart. But anyway, if anybody would have any words about this, that would be highly appreciated. thank you, god bless.

05-06-14, 00:25
Hi where you sitting resting when you took your pulse?

05-06-14, 00:55
A resting heart rate is measured in bed, shortly after waking up, in order to be accurate. And even that will be high if you're anxious. During the day, most people's heart rate fluctuates wildly, depending on what they're doing and how they're feeling.

The good news is that this is one of the most common symptoms of anxiety, and the majority of people on this site could share their experiences of it with you. My resting heart rate was 122 for around a year, during the day it would reach 150 without me exerting myself. I obsessed over it as a measure of my anxiety levels. It didn't hurt me, I just felt tired a lot. One of the things which actually brought it down, aside from addressing my anxiety, was not checking it.

My cardiologist told me that checking my pulse was a complete waste of time. Unless you have chest pain or are ill and under observation in hospital, it's not going to tell you anything about your heart other than that you're a bit anxious. It was pretty good advice, if you ask me.

Have fun with your crush! :)

05-06-14, 02:58
Wow, you're cute! Haha. Anyways, sometimes your pulse will be higher if you're under a mood of stress such as being around your crush (good anxiety) or maybe worried what he thinks about you (bad anxiety). I wouldn't worry too much. Just exercise a lot and your heart rate will decrease over time!