View Full Version : Valerian Root?

05-06-14, 02:29
Hi all,

I was wondering if anyone tried liquid Valerian Root (under the tongue) as a form of anti-anxiety and mood stabilizer? I can't afford any of the medication I need to be on, which is a mood stabilizer and anti-anxiety. I was thinking about trying out Valerian Root as I heard it can often act as both of these things in the body taken at the right dosage (less of a dose than when used for sleeping)?

Have any of you had experiences with Valerian Root? Did it prove to be effective for you? Were their side effects? etc.



09-07-14, 22:24
Hi, I can't really answer your question! but I've got some dried valerian root in my cupboard, and have just started taking it as an infusion (tea) in the evening to help me sleep. Too soon to say how it is working though. It's a hypnotic, sedative, and meant to be good for general anxiety and insomnia. I've also got it in a herbal tincture.

I hope to start taking these regularly, as part of looking after myself, which I havent' been doing too well with for a while.

By the way, it has the reverse effect on cats! My cats goes mad for it, and gets very stimulated!! he tries to get in the cupboard and knock my tea over when I have it!!

I believe its one of the herbs that's had the most 'scientific' research done - and it's in lots of over the counter sleep medication, but not sure of the quantities. I would recommend the tincture and tea.