View Full Version : Seperation anxiety help please

05-06-14, 05:30

My wife is going on holiday today and I am looking after out two children, I feel terrified something will happen to her and we will be left alone,

I'm worried about my children and what i will do if anything happens,

I keep telling myself its only four days, I could really do with a little support to get through them and stop the terrible anxiety.

I'm anxious of her flying, driving and all other terrible thought, she is so precious.

Thank you for reading.

05-06-14, 05:39
Hi Fred, I'm sure she feels so blessed to have you too. There is no point in making yourself sick with worry...because none of it is in your control. I'm sure she will be just fine and probably deserves this little vacation. Maybe try and change your focus....think of fun things you can do with your kiddos! She's lucky to have such a loving hubby!

05-06-14, 07:05
Thank you for the reply, well we have lots planned which will pass the time and is my wife says its only a few days,

I'm just terrified of accidents but as I keep telling myself its so unlikely, I'm trying to be rational and so far so good.

It's very odd to feel this way as I don't know any other fully grown men that do.

Anyway on with today and ill let you know later how it's going.

Thank you

05-06-14, 13:56
Hi fred.about 5 years ago my wife went to america with her parents because i couldnt do that kind of holiday.she went for 19 days and i looked after out two girls.one aged 6 the other 10..i couldnt even goto the airport to see her off.anyway i was very anxious and it hit me really hard whwn she skyped me when she got there.just seeing her and knowing she was thousands of miles away from.me.i had a panic atack and said to her i cant do the skype anymore.she was fine about that and we just text each other.for the first 6 days i was ill with my loss and wanted her to come straght home.but i kew that wasnt poss.i had panick attacks and horid anxiety .i suffered DP AND DR for 6 days.then on day 7 i was fine.no more anxiety at all.and i was enjoying my time with the kids..i was so proud i was getting on with it..if she wasnt away for so long i prop would have been fine after a couple of days.but all was well and i could skyp again..you will be fine takes a day or two to ajust..in the end i loved that my wife was in america.me and the kids done so much in the end.took them to the sea side .put a tent up in the garden and camped out for a couple of days.did lots and loved it.and each night i went to sleep i was relaxed.you will be fine mate.give it a day or two.then she will be home before you know it..maje the most of your time with just you and the kids.good luck

05-06-14, 21:31
Lovely thank you Greg,

First day nearly over which is good, I'm sure your right and it will get better it is only 4 days after all and it will all be fine and nothing will happen,

Thank you for replying