View Full Version : Panic/anxiety attack brought on by coffee?

05-06-14, 07:37
So, I've been having a rough past seven hours now with a bad anxiety attack off and on. I haven't had one this bad in a few months and the only thing I could really think of was that I took my anxiety meds (buspirone) with a lot of coffee in my system already. I've been avoiding coffee because I know the caffeine could mess with my heart but today I kind of let that slip a little for a bit of yummy iced coffee :rolleyes:: Was just wondering if that would explain the palpitations and dizziness, perhaps?

05-06-14, 08:11
Yes it would. Coffee is a stimulant and best to avoid for any one with anxiety.

05-06-14, 12:36
Yes coffee is notorious for setting off a panic attack. I'm ok with an odd cup here and then but I used to be an avid coffee lover and I would have pretty much constant panic attacks because I would drink multiple cups a day. Was also the same with energy drinks. Now that my panics are a lot better and I can control them, I have maybe a cup of coffee every few days and a can of energy drink maybe every week and I'm ok. Palpitations were the first symptom I would get after drinking these and then that would progress into a full on panic.

05-06-14, 16:10
hi, perpetual-mirth! i agree with annie and gingerfish, completely. the first panic attack i ever had was brought on shortly after the first heart palpitation i'd ever had. like gingerfish, i was an avid coffee drinker and at that time, i was probably drinking way too much coffee. i have since learned that all the caffeine caused the heart palp and i had to start making changes in my diet. i have learned to love herbal hot tea and now only have the very occasional cup of coffee.

---------- Post added at 11:10 ---------- Previous post was at 11:06 ----------

oh, i forgot to mention that dizziness and a nauseous headache would accompany my coffee drinking if i would try to start having it regularly, again.

06-06-14, 21:52
Yes definitely!! Has happened to me many times unfortunately. Smoking began doing it as well and I just stopped pretty much instantly. I'll have panic attacks for days if I even smoke one!