View Full Version : Does HA make you put your life on hold?

05-06-14, 12:59
Hi All

I am feeling so sad and depressed today again, I am sick of feeling like this and i have to wait another 3 weeks to start my journey of diagnosis of my stomach pain.

Does anyone else find that when you have a health issue you start to put your life on hold until you've found out you're not going to die?

Ive done lots of things such as delaying buying a new car, delaying social situations incase I don't enjoy them.

At the moment I am delaying looking for a new job because I don't want this hanging over me whilst going through interviews/starting a new job. Plus if it was serious illness then i would have to leave with no sick pay.

In my current job I would get certain benefits if I was on long term sick so that is a comfort to me. Should I be living my life like this? Because I think a pain in my stomach could be cancer?

I want a new job because I want my career to progress - I've already turned down offers.

Im so sad today, i phoned the hospital to ask about cancellations to be seen sooner than the end of june and they said they would put me on the waiting list.

People in the office have commented how down in the dumps i seem today.

05-06-14, 13:22
Yes most definitely I put my life on hold whilst awaiting the outcome of tests or even until I've been to the doctor about something or other. I have delayed booking holidays or even making plans to go out until I get sorted. I think whats the point to doing things or going anywhere if I am just going to be preoccupied with my thoughts so that I wont enjoy myself. Its madness being like this but you are most certainly not alone. I hope you get a cancellation and get sorted sooner so you can move on x

05-06-14, 13:27
its a terrible way to live isn't it - Last year went I had neck pain, i almost cancelled buying a house!

05-06-14, 13:31
Hi Darren,

I can relate to the way you feel completely. Yes, I did put a lot on hold when I was going through the worst of my anxieties.

The 'Stomach Issues' is definitely one I can relate too. It felt like a World War was going on inside of me and some people say that is where the heart of the anxieties stem from. I had everything from 24/7 gurgling, aching, sharp pains, bloatedness, hunger pains, loss of weight, very loud belching and wind; it was out of control and I was certain I had stomach cancer.

What did I do? I changed my diet, eat regularly; don't go any longer than 4 hours before eating. Sometimes rubbing your stomach above the belly button in a circular pattern helps to calm it down. Green Tea has become my best buddie and bananas and porridge in the mornings. Try not to eat anything acidy, that will irritate it. Oily Fish and chicken are good things to eat.

The Stomach could also be a culprit fro a lot of the chest pain we get. Anxiety seems to cause Acid Reflux and I had a lot of heart-burn and trapped wind. I never eat regularly before, but I do now. If I don't, the symptoms seem to creep back in again.

I hope this helps you a bit, because I am improving everyday now and you will too. I know its difficult, but try not to worry too much, and when you look back on today when you have bought your new Car, gone on Holiday and started a new Career, you will smile sweetly and be proud!:hugs:

05-06-14, 13:45
thanks carnation - i will try some green tea.

did you have any tests done?

05-06-14, 13:58
I had Blood Tests and they were ok. Didn't have anything else, as at the time I was too scared and I thought I would see if there was any improvement before I went down that road. I have improved, so that puts my Mind at rest. If the Mind is restful, the Body starts to heal.
The Mind is a powerful thing. My Mum was diagnosed with Terminal Cancer, but my Father made the decision not to tell her. She recovered and is still alive today, 45 years after she was diagnosed. ????? :)Remember, you have to want to get better and well again.:yesyes:

05-06-14, 13:59
yes every single day.

I would want to be in a relationship, but need to get my HA into order, M, F or N would have kept me in order. I am more relax on holiday.

I have had bad HA for three years, probably even longer. I think everything for me every pain, ache, mark is the big c word.

Hopefully you can be seen soon Dareen

05-06-14, 14:26
I have been through the whole stomach pain thing. I got pains so bad I could not stand/walk after a meal. My bowels were all over the place, it was dreadfully painful in my bum too.

However, I do not have anxiety problems, so I coped with all of this without thinking I was going to die. It was just annoying and painful, never frightening. I'm sorry you have got fear on top of everything I had.

After an endoscopy they found a slight inflammation in my stomach, and gave me some mild pills to calm it. Later chats with my doctor turned to IBS, and how no-one really know what that is, it just means a lifetime of discomfort until you find the magic foods (and portion size/meal frequency) to minimise the issues. I just muddle along now, with occasional tummy gripes.

So no matter how bad you think it could be...it could still be something very normal and boring.

My wife, who does have health anxiety, hasnt had the opportunity to 'waste' a life-changing event, but she has told me how much she regrets all the wasted time spent worrying and crying, when all the illnesses she imagined turned out to be nothing.

Try to make this the last time you allow anxiety to ruin your career/finances. Use the anger to direct you into reading about combating anxiety, and repeatedly doing the things professionals suggest to make yourself better able to cope.

05-06-14, 15:26
Yes it is definitely true that health anxiety can put your life on hold. I have put off doing so many things because of thinking along the lines of " Well what's the point I won't enjoy it anyway" and even in extreme cases thinking that I will probably be dead before the event materialises. It is when you get to this stage you realise that you really have become a prisoner to HA & desperately need to do something to break the chain of negativity.

05-06-14, 15:30
Yes it has put my life on hold. I don't have the motivation to do anything because I'm worried that I won't be able to finish something because of my health problems.

05-06-14, 19:02
i spent most of my young adult life believing i would never live past 40 and im now 42 ... putting things on hold arent worth it specially the big things as you never know what tomorrow brings, i do tho put off social occasions when not feeling right xx