View Full Version : Flippin' Google

12-12-06, 16:01
I’ve been doing so well this last couple of weeks – really trying hard to relax and accept that my symptoms are more than likely anxiety related. This forum’s helped loads.

Then, these last two days have been rotten. I’ve been OK at work but once I got home (time on my hands etc)…back to worrying myself ragged. I saw the doctor about three weeks ago, for a review of how the anti-d’s are going, and because a lot of my trouble is sinus and ear related she checked out my nose and said I’d got some little polyps in there. Those were the exact words “some little polyps in there”. Not “I’ll refer you to ENT” or “there’s an abnormality” or “christ those are the biggest polyps I’ve seen in my life let’s get a biopsy sorted out”.

I was fine for a couple of weeks, better than usual actually, then out of the blue drifted onto Google and within a matter of minutes had convinced myself it’s nasal cancer and my doctor can’t tell the difference between a polyp and a tumour before her own eyes.

Why oh why. Last night I was almost back to how I was before – caught myself lying in bed crying at about 9pm because I’d just had enough. Going over and over in my mind how terrible this disease is going to be and I’ll be off work and…all the rest of it.

I’m also right on the verge of putting my house on the market. It’s been terrifying me for so long, the thought of moving and can I cope but I badly, really badly, want to move. I almost feel like my mind has just waited until this point and then unleashed another onslaught. Argh! So everyone : a warning, keep away from the dreaded Google. It should come with a health warning.

Sorry for rambling…I just feel better to get it all out.

12-12-06, 16:28

i know how you feel i have been searching the net all day and got myself in such a stress . i do feel if your doc thought needed to do somthink about what she had seen she would of but with us having anxiety we just see the worst in everything .
i to was good last week thought it had all gone for ever and today i feel horrid and like i am never going to get better .

try not to stress go back and ask the doc if things are ok to be left (i am sure they are )
jodie xx:)

12-12-06, 17:09
It's awful...just when you think you're fine and things are going OK you feel a symptom and your mind starts racing. I've been a bit better with this since taking the anti-d's but sometimes it just takes hold.

I suppose that maybe with time we get better used to spotting triggers and signs... [xx(]

12-12-06, 21:18
Oh you poor thing. I can relate to this as I went to the docs a couple of months ago with a strange bearing down sensation (lady stuff) anyway, the doctor flippantly said "oh it might be a slight prolapse" but didnt check, said she would check when I was next in...

For some bloody mental reason I looked up prolapse on Google and next thing you know I am having visions of my entire womb falling out after a sneeze or something... I was a shaky, hysterical mess and ended up at the emergency doctors on a saturday night when I should have been out with my OH celebrating his birthday.

Let me tell you something. A severe prolapse such as that only happens in extreme cases, and can be treated. Any other prolaspe can be treated. Its not life threatening. Its not going to make you die. But do you think that helped? I went back and was checked and was told there is no prolapse, my pelvic floor muscles are tight and my doctor was jealous of them! But do you think I have been reassurred? NO! I still worry about it now!

So, after MY little rant, just wanted to say I am with you on this, and have managed not to Google any symptoms since.

Why do our imaginations run away with us like this! I hate it. x

"Smile Like You Mean It"

15-12-06, 19:05
After all the ridiculous panicking I did thinking I didn't have nasal polyps and actually had nasal cancer (obviously spreading to the brain for good measure like every other symptom I feel) and if I thought about it hard enough and worried enough I could practically see it spreading in my mind...after all that I went to the doc today. Just for my check up to make sure everything's OK with the medication. She didn't even check my nose - I can breathe fine and things feel clear so she didn't need to check. So these massive great big tumours I had in my mind, and googled myself into a frenzy over, were no doubt little tiny polyps like she said they were the first time and keeping em in check with a steroid spray is enough.

I also thought she's going to say "you shouldn't be taking on a house move, it's too much, you are ill" and guess what? I told her about it. I said I'm addressing something that's been nagging me for years. She was delighted, told me it will have stressful points but that it's clearly a positive change and it's motivating me and well done and all that.

After this experience, no more googling illness for me. And I def need to start thinking "i can do stuff" not "i'm dying of cancer of everywhere and can't do a thing"

17-12-06, 11:27
googling minor symptoms is a massive problem I have too. I go through phases, but find i can't help myself. "Knowledge is power" but it quite clearly isn't. And I had a brilliant doctor, then moved house and had to change doctor and the new one just isn't as supportive. I wish i could stop worrying about my health. I continually convince myself I have all kinds!

17-12-06, 13:57
I am so sorry ((((hugs))))

Firstly DO NOT google, google is the devil, lol! I use to google about 20 times a day and I got convinced I had cancer and was dying that I was so ill I almost commited suicide it got that bad in my head.

You won't have cancer honestly your dr is right, they train for years and years, they see these things every day and alarm bells would ring if they had a doubt about what they saw. They cannot take that risk.

Take care & im sure you will be fine.

18-12-06, 07:30
oh do i know what you're going through!!!!
ive been doing the same recently again after a couple of months break and its just spiralled out of control.

ive been having stomach pains for a couple of weeks high up in my abdomen so googled my symptoms and it came back with stomach cancer!!!

i went to the docs who diagnosed acid and gave me some tablets but theyve not made any difference so my minds been working overtime now and im off back to the docs today to get a second opinion!!