View Full Version : Missed beats,not jolts, when trying to fall asleep

05-06-14, 14:32
Some days I'll have none or only one or 2 missed beats but dang sometimes at the end of the day while in bed I'll be trying to fall asleep and it'll do it several times. It'll do it once then I wake back up scared then I'll calm down and try to sleep to again and BAM again thump in the chest. It took me several hours to fall asleep last night.. :( I mean i was in bed at 11ish and couldn't fall asleep til about 2ish.

It's not the jolts that happen right as you fall asleep. They're missed beats happening while I'm totally relaxed and ready to sleep.

I don't understand how it could be only stress since they happen more often when I'm active AND also more often when I'm trying to fall asleep.

05-06-14, 19:07
i get that too i get more skipped beats palps whatever u want to call them when im relaxed and not doing anything and it makes you wonder why would it do it then ... but dont forget the sub concious mind and the adrenalin that kicks off palps etc whenever it feels like it xxxx

15-07-14, 02:48
i get them also.... they are actually the last symptoms i found to get rid off and belive me i have had ALOT of symptoms..... i used to have them nearly every night right before i would try and fall asleep. absolutely hated them!...... there just anxiety related even tho you think they might not be.

15-07-14, 20:09
I have had these for years now and find no link to stress. Mine normally come when I am relaxed (sat down or laying) or after I have eaten or gone a long period of not eating. I personally think its all down to something in the digestive system and have found aloe gel will take the edge off or sometimes even let me go months with none at all.

Catherine S
15-07-14, 22:12
Flutter is right, these missed beats can be connected to digestion very much so. My doctor suggested I sleep with the top part of my body raised to help the acid reflux I suffer with sometimes, and found this also helps with the missed beats. I've suffered with them for many years and tried lots to ease them including no caffeine and cutting right back on alcohol which helps, but i'm also convinced there's a link with an irritated stomach.