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05-06-14, 15:33
Hi All,

Does anyone else who suffers with anxiety have a really bad reaction to coffee? I have been feeling alright and I decided to treat myself to a coffee this morning about 10am... god what a mistake that was!

Since ive drunk it ive felt not with it at all! Ive been getting dizzy, feeling really sick and just don't feel with it at all... I also keep getting hot and my eyes keep going funny - its like an ongoing mild/severe panic attack and its not pleasant at all...

Im not really seeking reassurance just having a moan because I like coffee but not when it does this!!

It normally perks me up but I just feel like going to bed, waking up and starting the day again!

05-06-14, 15:41
coffee is a big no no for us sufferers

05-06-14, 15:47
They say caffeine makes anxiety worse, so a while ago, when I was experiencing the all-time high of my (health) anxiety, I stopped drinking it for a time. I didn't notice any improvement, so now I'm back to drinking a cup/day.

05-06-14, 16:13
O god... I am now considering phoning an ambulance

05-06-14, 16:19
I have cappuccinos every day I don't feel any different after it so I don't know if caffeine does cause anxiety I suppose every ones different

05-06-14, 16:21
From my experience if you're already drinking coffee it won't make that much of a difference, or at least not that you'd notice. If you don't drink it very often and then have one however, the reaction will be far more significant.

05-06-14, 16:57
Fedup36...did you make the coffee at home or buy it some of these coffees you buy are so strong..it happend to me with a costa coffee felt dizzy, sick, heart beating so fast and didn't sleep all night..that was my last coffee...now I just drink one low caffine tea a day so I don't get caffeine withdrawal ...
How are you feeling now? :)

05-06-14, 16:58
O god... I am now considering phoning an ambulance

fedup, drink lots of water! that always helps me when i have the coffee flu! you will be fine.:)

05-06-14, 17:02
I don't find that the coffee makes me were per se, but it does make it harder for me to fall asleep at night which gives me more time to lie the stressing about things.

05-06-14, 17:41
There is no way I can drink coffee....always makes me more susceptible to panic attacks. It's not worth it. But don't fret, the rapid heartbeat, sweaty palms, dizziness, etc. will pass. Drink water and take deep breaths. You are just fine.

05-06-14, 18:31
Definitely can't drink Coffee. Bad reaction within 5 minutes. But, I can manage a Latte and they are delicious.:) I've gone on to Green Tea, which is really popular at the mo. And occasionally I have a glass of milk. Well, its ok for Babies.:winks: The milk is a good one when you can't get anything to eat and the Stomach is doing its grumbling, moany noises too. Does anyone have a reaction to red wine?

05-06-14, 18:43
Why do you need an ambulance?

05-06-14, 18:59
they do say that coffee can cause so many symptoms with anxiety due to the caffeine but i just went thru a 2 year stretch managing my anxiety fine and i was drinking loads more coffee than i do now, so i think it definitely affects people differently xx

05-06-14, 19:23
I nearly called an ambulance because I just felt awful... I still do now!

05-06-14, 21:01
But they can't do much really if you have a panic attack.

You need to find some coping techniques. The best thing for me is to slow my breathing down.