View Full Version : Hello my name is Bex

05-06-14, 16:11
Hello Everyone,

Where do I start? :)

I first joined No More Panic in 2012. I was diagnosed with anxiety, I had been experiencing panic attacks and had had trouble sleeping.
There was a lot going on in my life at the time, a lot of change and uncertainty.
My mother was diagnosed with stage 3 breast cancer. On that same day I received notice to leave my home of 3 years (The landlord was selling) and I was in the middle of a sticky relationship break-up.

I don't know why I never posted in 2012, I just read. I Read all of your lovely and inspirational messages of hope, just knowing I wasn't alone.

I went to my GP and ,along with some useful breathing and physical techniques to help the "Flutter" as I call it, I was prescribed Propranolol 40mg to take as and when I "needed it".
This seemed to work, and I would often hold off taking medication in favour of "holistic techniques" or "exercises" to try to control or cope with the adrenaline rushes myself... but sometimes I would have to back it up with the Beta Blockers. I also had trouble sleeping and would either wake abruptly in the middle of the night; some nights several times, experience nightmares and night terrors, and even the occasional sleep paralysis. Not fun.

So I was prescribed Zolpidem 5-10mg on those nights I HAD to be up in the morning, bright eyed and bushy tailed and having had a good 6-8 hours sleep

I also joined a gym and started to attend aerobics and zumba classes. This achieved the biggest and most positive change.
Now I work a desk job and although I am mentally challenged, I was stationary! Once I joined the onsite gym I would return home after work (And 90 minutes of sweaty fun) physically tired :yesyes: and looking good :blush:

Things were good for a while, life changed and I was taking less and less doses of the Propranolol. From 3 a day for 3-4 days in a row to 1-2 a month! :whistles: and sleeping without any trouble...

Now all that has changed.
Now I take 10-20mg Propranolol x3 daily (daily as in constant, my GP dropped the dose from 40mg "as and when" to a strict 3x daily of 10 or 20mg)
I have just started a course on Setraline 50mg once daily ... and to be honest I'm a bit frightened.

I've always considered myself Resilient
I've never considered myself a Victim
Now I feel I'm letting myself, and everyone around me, down

I am still on the waiting list for CBT and I am arranging emergency counselling sessions through my company (They have been so supportive) but the wheels are in motion as they say. So I just thought now was the time, to say...

Hello, My name is BEX :flowers:

05-06-14, 16:19
Hi Bex, I am new to the forum and I agree that it's good to read other people's stories; it's good to know that you are not alone and it's great to hear that people have saw light at the end of the tunnel. It sounds as though you found light at the end of the tunnel a few years ago and you've hit a stumbling block, I hope it's temporary.

For the last 5 years, I have suffered from anxiety; it normally starts around this time of the year and once my meds are changed or adjusted, I start to feel better after a few weeks and life continues again. This time round it's been about 6 weeks of constant agitation and my GP has decided to refer me to a Community Mental Health nurse to work on my anxiety/agitation so my meds have not been changed. I have my first appointment on Tuesday.

I am sure, like me, you go through days of feeling that you will overcome it and you will get back to your old self very soon; then there are days when it seems an impossible hurdle. I look forward to reading your posts and I hope your counselling starts very soon. xx