View Full Version : In the middle of a panic attack - I think

05-06-14, 16:20
Now I like to think I was on the route to recovery, however this coffee earlier has sent me in a downwards spiral...

I haven't felt like this for a long while which unfortunately is making it worse...

I keep trying to tell myself its anxiety but its not working today...
The what if's are popping into my head....

Currently I feel -
- I can't see properly and everythings gone bright
- I keep getting weird tight head sensations
- My neck and back of my head is burning
- I am sweating
- I feel like im going to faint
- I feel like im drunk
- I have an upset tummy
- I feel very sick

As im writing this I can see all the above is a panic attack but what keeps creeping in my head is - im about to have a seizure or this time something will happen...

God I thought I had escaped this but obviously not - please can some one help me :(

05-06-14, 16:35
I've been having a lot of panic attacks recently. What calms me down is drinking some cold water and watching something relaxing on the TV or Computer.

05-06-14, 16:36
You're not going to die. You will not have a seizure. You won't suffocate. It will pass. Keep breathing for a while with your diaphragm and do breathing exercises (deep breath in, keep it in for a few seconds, and let it out, the classic). Lay down if you have to. It's just a lil' panic attack. When you will start to feel better (and you will), go take a walk.

Also, you don't beat anxiety, you manage it. :)

05-06-14, 16:42
fedup, it sounds like you may have a coffee allergy or at the very least a sensitivity to it. i was tested for food allergies about 4 years ago and coffee was one of my biggest offenders. this really stunk because i was an avid coffee drinker. even decaf bothers me. it has taken years, but i have finally weaned myself off of coffee and now only have the occasional small cup in a social setting. i now start my days with an herbal tea. there are so many good ones out there and they are so much gentler on your system. i can't do black tea, that was also one of my big offenders. when my allergy test results showed that i was allergic to coffee, tea, and chocolate, i could have cried. i have had to cut way back on these things and of course, once i did, i felt so much better. i had almost every symptom you mentioned and they are completely characteristic of an allergy to coffee.

05-06-14, 17:28
Thanks for your reply...
I don't normally drink coffee, normally it makes me feel a bit sick and shakey but I just feel awful... I'm exhausted now....
Not sure what it is :s I normally drink decaf tea so caffeine is not common in my diet....

Ergh this is horrible....

05-06-14, 18:51
Fed up you suffer from the exact same symptoms as me! I suffer from feeling faint quite a lot and dizzeness lightheadedness :-( it's horrible xx