View Full Version : Am I paranoid or is it real

05-06-14, 18:00
I've just come out of HMV. I was looking at the Cd's than all of a sudden my usual thoughts kicked in , 'they are following me because they think I'm going to nick something' , which I never would. I've had bad experiences in the past with security guards following me and me confronting them so it makes me extremely uncomfortable and upset to be honest. In the end I walked out empty handed as I couldn't take any more. Is it me ?

05-06-14, 19:31
People are not aware that they are paranoid, in your situation this was anxiety.

05-06-14, 19:47
Yeah, straight forward anxiety. I do this all the time when I leave a place empty handed. Flinching as you walk past the security guards doesn't help, either :doh: