View Full Version : weird head sensations

05-06-14, 19:30
Hi Everyone

I have these weird head sensations like popping and like something is treacling inside my skull it's freaking me out obviously, i've felt unsteady on my feet like the ground outside felt like carpet I had to sit down in a busy shopping precinct, once I stood back up my legs turned to jelly I thought I was going to keel over but I kept on walking and this place is the size of 5 football pitches and i'm not even half way through, walking really fast I get out the other end and call for a taxi straight home ate my dinner, the jelly legs and shaking have stopped probably down to hunger and sugar levels, but still getting these sensations.

All sorts of bad thoughts right now :-(

Can anyone relate it would be much appreciated



05-06-14, 19:46
Anxiety, Anxiety, Anxiety. You won't pass out or fall, I know it feels like it, but you are panicking and thinking bad thoughts. Just get to what you think is a safe place and it will pass, just stay calm.

05-06-14, 19:54
Thanks carnation for your reply

I'm home and having a lie down atm, I'm used to the jelly legs, shaking etc, but these head sensations are the thing that's troubling me.

I want to take anxiety and put it in box and beat the s#*t out of it!!!!


05-06-14, 20:01
Try putting on some music to take your mind off of it, nothing too noisy though. Or find a good radio station, when you feel up to it. I used to drink a lot of water, it seemed to calm me for some strange reason. If you are getting a lot of this, you may need to change your diet. Some foods stop the bad cells creating these feelings. Porridge, fish, beans and root vegetables and nuts; but not salted. Bad things; Sugar, Coffee, Chocolate, Fizzy Drinks, Cheese and Dairy Food. Hope this helps. And if you feel sleepy, let your body do this, it needs it to repair itself.:)

05-06-14, 20:10
Well I think you've hit the nail on the head their, my sleep pattern is poor atm, my diet is good fruit, veg white meats, fish etc, i sneak in a few chocolate bickys now n again lol, i've been so annoyed about my sleep pattern so maybe a proper kip is in order.

Doc prescribed me 14/2mg diazepam today so I'll keep them by incase of an emergency.

Thanks again

Petesy :)