View Full Version : Can't breathe while laying on my left side

05-06-14, 21:03
I've slept on my left side all my life but the last 2 monthes i can't breathe while being on that side.

What is wrong with me?

05-06-14, 21:04
We can't offer medical diagnosis on here I am afraid.

05-06-14, 21:37
Hoping for somebody who can relate to this.

05-06-14, 21:45
Is your breathing normal otherwise ?

06-06-14, 00:18
Do you feel short of breath? Or can you not breathe at all? I used to sleep on my left side, started feeling short of breath, switched sides for a while, one night I forgot, later on my left side, and was fine. If you feel short of breath try fighting through it. Usually goes away after a few minutes for me.

19-06-15, 01:21
Ive got this. Does it mean heartfailure? i can't find anything online in regards to left side lying down.