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View Full Version : Solving leg pains caused by Anxiety

mr benn
05-06-14, 23:26
Hi all. Newbie here ! Newbie to the site that is, unfortunately not a newbie to Anxiety though.
The last few months Ive developed leg aches and feeling very tense from my hips down my legs and calves, like I had ran a marathon the previous day. Sometimes when I walk it feels horrible.
I am working on the theory that its being driven by my Anxiety , as its been very high these last 6 months.

I have read that this can be caused by Anxiety, so Im wondering if any of you had this issue, and managed to overcome it. If so how - maybe through exercise somehow ?
I am seeing a physio next week , which was for my back, but Im hoping she may give me some help with this

Thanks in advance.

06-06-14, 06:37
I experience similar. When my anxiety first started my legs actually felt wobbly and too weak to support my body when I walked lately however they've went the opposite and they do feel stiff as if I've ran a marathon my thighs especially

mr benn
06-06-14, 22:04
Hi Marc. Im focusing on trying to accept it is my anxiety creating this issue. Im walking every lunchtime and evening when I can. It may be just round the block , for 10 minutes, but its a start. Its part of telling my brain that I can walk. Okay it may feel uncomfortable, but Im trying to observe all the things around me , and not listen to music as a distraction (as my therapist says thats an escape behaviour).
My plan is to walk just a little further each day.
I did go mad one night and walked very briskly and too far, and my groin hurt like heck, so Im taking it a step at a time (so to speak !).

I dont know if streching regular, or even getting a massage will really help . But I may try one.

Im sure we can both beat this :yesyes:

07-06-14, 07:17
I'm prescribed propranolol which adds to the effect I think, as one of the side effects for me is that I feel lethargic highlighted by the fact I'm constantly yawning! Anyway, I too have started to try and 'walk it off' - not tried without music mind! I'm 3 weeks in with my CBT therapy and so far I'm 'undecided' I know there's along way to go but I thought we would've done something practical by now... It all been theory based. We'll both beat this I'm sure!

mr benn
09-06-14, 19:14
I find CBT really helpful. The tricky bit is a lot of it is self -help - its you that has to put the things into practice, when really we all want a magic pill to help us rid of the horrible affliction.

If she is a good therapist, it may be that she is breaking you in gently, and also getting to know you. WHilst its better to have tried and failed, than not tried at all, its also much better to try steps that you succeed in.

I did mention to my doctor today that Im still get leg muscle spasms and aches when I walk mainly. She liked that i was trying to work on it being Anxiety, but was happy to look at it if things dont change.
I am trying to make sure I walk at least 10 to 15 mins each lunchtime, and/or evening, even if it feels horrible or Im not in the mood. I did cycle for 10 mins last night which felt great. Though a quick pain in my tummy about an hour later set my anxiety off ..but thats another story !

Just try to walk some each day to help build up the confidence that even tho it feels uncomfortable, you can still walk. I will talk to my therapist more about it tomorrow and post any thoughts she has.

mr benn
12-06-14, 15:42
Well the good news is my physio couldnt find anything specifically wrong with my legs. She said there is a chance that back problems can add to legs, but she said my back is improving, so no signs there.
She was very understanding and sypathetic to my cause and offered some pointers. She could tell I was downa dn asked why, and i told her how frustrating these physical symptoms im having is stopping me move forward in life , and to help get over my anxiety.
I know they go hand in had.
From what I recall it was a lot better when i was on Diazapam for a week or 2 , but i know that was short term. Maybe i need some other muscle relaxant with no side effects...

Just wondered if anybody else has had these leg type issues with their anxiety, and any good tips how to try and over come them ?

10-04-15, 13:10
Hey Guys,

I began twitching about two months ago, and since then I have had MAJOR stiffness in my legs. I can still walk, but walking feels so weird. I am scared I am just going to topple over or start walking with a limp. I have the same marathon feeling, I do sit in weird positions but it just started after the twitching. Maybe I just became more aware of my body because I am twitching and scared? Maybe the twitching is causing stiffness?

10-04-15, 13:39
I have this problem with my legs. I too have back problems too.
I use a walking stick sometimes. I keep meaning to get a folding walking stick.
The stick seem to help me.
I want to go out more but my legs get so weary.
I get that topple over feeling too.
I feel so pathetic with myself , as I used to walk for miles for exercise.
I have high anxiety.