View Full Version : nose bleeds im soooo scared

06-06-14, 10:14
Please reply if u can. I'm 33 and never had a nose bleed in my life.Over last few weeks iv ad 5,nothing major just alittle blood n only lasts seconds. Always out ov the same nostril but I'm sooooo scared it's some sort ov cancer with me never having them. Please help

06-06-14, 10:16
Calm down - it is highly unlikely to be cancer

It is probably dry sinuses or allergies causing it.

I get this sometimes and I got a nasal spray from the doc and it cleared it all up.

06-06-14, 13:59
There is nothing to suggest it would be cancer.

You're quite sure you didn't pick your nose in your sleep and scratch it with a fingernail? It's happened!

If you have never had them before I would suggest going to the doctors if it doesnt clear up in a week. NOT as a matter of urgency. NOT because I think it is anything sinister. Just go because it is something minor that most normal people would want clearing up. The diagnosis of a trained professional will probably be really boring and mundane, compared to what you are catastrophizing.

06-06-14, 14:09
I agree with going to the GP just to see what could be causing the problem. Good luck.

06-06-14, 17:34
Hi Shelley,

I have suffered with nosebleed all my life. Some can last seconds, some have lasted almost an hour on occasion.

Ive even had my nose cauterized 3 times when I was younger, but I still get them now. I dont even have to do anything to my nose and they can just start. A lot of things can make them happen like air pressure, blood vessles being close to the edge of the inner nose, blood pressure and I was always told drinking too much milk (but I think that was an old wives tale)

I wouldnt worry Shelley.

Hope this helps x