View Full Version : Panic disorder + Agoraphobia advice much needed

06-06-14, 12:46
I have suffered anxiety for about 3 years now but about 8 weeks ago I had a major panic attack in the car. Since them I have been agoraphobic. I have had a few panic attacks since then, even being at home. About 3 weeks ago I ate something spicy and my heart started RACING. I had a very very bad panic attack which I had to call an ambulance for. I stayed in hospital for a week, they diagnosed me with panic disorder and generalised anxiety disorder. It wasn't much help but I felt safe there and they sent me home even after I told them I wasn't ready. Since then I have been on Luvox. I was on 25mg for a week, then through the next week I was on 37mg, now I have been a week tomorrow on 50mg. I'm not really sure if it's helping but I have not had a panic attack since being on it, though I do get anxiety attacks. I feel really depressed, fed up and hopeless. I constantly get the thought that I'm going to die.

I have spent days and hours trying to find my cure for this life ruining illness, I'm so tired and I just give up. Please help me, I'm only 15 :'(

06-06-14, 12:53
hi there. I have the exact same issues. Have had them for 17 years. Have been housebound with agoraphobia for the last 9. Still doing therapies to try and get back out into life again. Thousands of panic and anxiety attacks over the years. Thousands. And guess what? I'm still alive.

You are in NO DANGER. If the doctors have checked you out and you are given the all clear physically, believe that. Believe it as hard as you possibly can. Find a therapist that has experience with anxiety when agoraphobia is also present. Try as hard as you can to get this seen to as soon as you can. But believe that you are safe and healthy. It is just your mind.

06-06-14, 13:03
Thank you so much for your reply. I really do feel I would benefit from a good therapist that specialises in what I have but it is almost impossible since I'm completely agoraphobic.. I cannot get to appointments. :(

06-06-14, 13:10
you can get to a doctor? If you get an app with your doc, they will know some local psychologists and will also be able to give you a sedative that will allow your to get to appointments. Once you get a good psych, they will have to do exposure therapy with you, so would have to come to your house. Mine does. The longer you wait, the harder it gets to get out.

I know, at my worst I could not leave my bedroom. Nothing worse that peeing in a bottle because you can't get to the bathroom.

What state are you in?

06-06-14, 13:23
I'm unable to get myself to my gp.
I have been prescribed some benzo's but I read on 2 websites (not helpful yes I know) that diazepam which they prescribed, interacts with the Luvox I take every day.

I do have a 'therapist' that comes to my house twice a week to do exposure therapy but I'm not liking her that much.. Not finding that she really helps.

I live in SA

06-06-14, 14:27
Hi, anxiety makes a person feel that they can't accomplish the most simple things. I know that I wanted to curl up in a ball and never leave the house. I also knew that, if I gave into this way of thinking that I would never leave the house. The hardest thing you can do, is to push yourself through that barrier. I found, for me, that it helped me. Some days I went to work and I have no idea how dragged myself out of bed, let alone functioned. I was shaking, I felt sick, felt like I would have a panic attack at any minute, felt teary etc etc. I'm convinced that noone has ever had anxiety as bad as me, lol, but for me, getting out and living my life hs helped. Sometimes that means going out and not enjoying myself (and I can feel fed up about that) but more often than not, going out helps me forget about how rubbish I've been feeling. I've used medication to help me, and have a counsellor. I'm not saying my way is right, but I wanted to share my experience. I'm still on the journey but am not in a really dark place anymore. x