View Full Version : Not doing well...

06-06-14, 13:35
Just lost my job, anxiety through the roof and an increase in my medication.

Feeling utterly useless. Life is hard and i've had enough.

06-06-14, 19:18
Am sorry to hear that you have lost your job that cant be easy on top of having anxiety.
hope that you find something else soon. you are not useless just keep an hanging on in there and keep trying for jobs hope get some luck soon.

06-06-14, 19:41
Somerandom sorry to hear that you lost your job, yes life can be hard, losing your job and having anxiety is a struggle, I have learnt on here that people who have had or are suffering from anxiety are so strong in themselves even if they don't realise, I read threads of brave people fighting anxiety day in and day out to me that is an amazing achievement and you are one of them. So very far from useless.
I do know what its like though i lost my job about 10 years ago but was eventually glad I did cause the next job I got was just perfect for me and the people so nice I met one of my best friends there too.
I hope the increase in meds kicks in soon and helps with your anxiety.
Keep posting for support, we are all here for you :hugs:

07-06-14, 06:13
I agree with the previous two posters.

Sorry to hear you've lost your job mate.

Keep talking, it helps.

12-06-14, 12:51
Thanks for the support guys. I've been really down the last week and spent more time in my head than i would have liked to. I've came to the conclusion that life is unfair and that from cradle to the grave i'm destined to fail at almost everything I do. The time between? Continuing what has been pointless.

It's an achievement that i'm here today, but whats the point in reaching a goal of being here when so far misery is all that awaits in the future. Strong is exhausting, putting on a brave smiling face only hides the cracks underneath.

I'm tired of feeling physically ill at the thought of going out and my mood swings have just totally worn me out over the years.