View Full Version : Help getting in a panic

06-06-14, 13:58

Just wanted some advice really as I can feel myself starting to get in a state.

A week ago I tripped and banged my knee which resulted in a graze on it. I have to say it stung like mad and I don't remember grazing my knee like that since I was a kid.

Well I haven't done anything to it, just left it, did give it a spray with some Savlon once but that's been it, and it's still there and it's got a big scab on it (Sorry TMI) which is cracking open everytime I bend my knee.

A couple of people have commented saying it should have healed by now and I should go to chemist/doctor as it's probably infected.

To be honest I did think it was taking a while to heal and it is sore but I've just been thinking it's because everytime I bend my knee it splits open again. So now I'm getting in a panic thinking theres something wrong with my immune system because it's not healing.

Hubby thinks I'm completely derranged and said it's because of the location of it and because I've not covered it or put any antiseptic cream on to keep it moist.

So I've now put a plaster over it and cleaned it with some TCP, hubby reckons that because I've allowed the air to get to it and it to scab over then it will keep splitting and take longer but by covering it, the skin will stay softer and it should heal better.

So basically what I'm asking is does a week sound a long time for it to heal and is it likely to be because I've not actually touched or done anything to it that it's taking longer. The graze is probably about 2 inches in length if that makes any difference.


06-06-14, 22:18
Scabs that keep opening up will not heal underneath. You are just cracking the skin again. They are really annoying. I get them on the tip of my thumbs sometimes, and they take weeks to go away. When the skin bends and straightens it is the worst place!

Your husband is right. There is no indication of a problem with your knee or your immune system. You could keep a wound open for a year if you kept picking it, and this is the same. Infected wounds stink and look horrible; you would know.

I think the term "moist healing" is what you want to find out about. It avoids the scab drying out hard, and keeps it flexible. You can buy special plasters, and I think some creams might help. Ask a chemist.

Two weeks is not surprising. If you now begin to avoid it drying out, it ought to be gone in another two.

06-06-14, 23:10
Chemists are really good for this sort of thing - also dial 111, that's for health advice that's not urgent.

Stuff like that is worrying because it demands your attention. Don't pay it much attention - the less attention you pay it, the faster it will seem to heal. There is no need to worry. Your body is an amazing organism - it self heals! It will heal however long it takes.

07-06-14, 09:12
Thank you both for your reassuring words.

I've since given it a good clean with antiseptic and put a nice big soft plaster on it, and already it's stopped hurting so I think it is just because I let it all dry out and it kept cracking. I also noticed whilst I was cleaning it that an area where there is no scab had nice new pink skin under it so I think it is healing just taking a bit longer because of where it is.

thanks again