View Full Version : Worried about heart!

06-06-14, 18:33
Hi Everyone

I have pain in my throat, chest, and it's radiating through to my back between shoulder blades, i've had a churning stomach since this morning and a strange weakness in my right arm, i am not ashamed to say but I am bricking it big time while trying too remain calm..

Any advice or what this could be?? A don't think I need to tell you what I'm thinking it is :ohmy:

Please help???

Petesy :weep:

06-06-14, 18:39
It sounds like indigestion but that is just my opinion. If you are worried then you need to seek proper medical advice.

06-06-14, 18:56
Thanks Nicola for your reply

My G.p has put me on 20mg of omeprazole, and since I've posted the i've been passing gas (sorry) and popping and gurgling noises from my stomach, but the weakness in my right arm i can't come to terms with, sort of numb but not if this makes any sense... Freaking me out!

Thanks Nicola :hugs:


06-06-14, 18:59
It does sound more like trapped wind/acid reflux/indigestion etc

The arm could be a complete coincidence.

I always say to people you know from gut feeling if this is something bad or not and whether it really is a heart attack which I am sure you are worrying about.

06-06-14, 19:10
Hopefully it is Nicola

I can't really tell anymore my gut feeling has had me at a&e to be told everything is ok, i suppose it's better to be safe than sorry, I'm still trumping away right enough but now it's on my mind I'm finding it hard to shift.

Yeah that is what I'm worrying about :-( my dad had heart attack 3 years ago and currently has a stent in, and his brother had a massive one which required a heart transplant all this is going through my head right now :weep::weep:

---------- Post added at 19:10 ---------- Previous post was at 19:09 ----------

The noises coming from my stomach are that loud my brother can hear them right now.

06-06-14, 19:15
I agree with Nicola, especially if you have so much wind :)

06-06-14, 19:25
Yeah I'm 70% leaning towards indigestion, acid reflux, etc and 30% afraid of the other, anxiety for us.

Thanks Annie


06-06-14, 19:43
I am having the exact same issue, ugh. I hope you feel better soon!

06-06-14, 20:14
Hi Petesy,

I get this quite a lot. It is trapped wind and it can bury itself in-between your shoulder blades. It really is quite painful. It can move about the body. only last week it travelled from my shoulder blade to my chest bone and up my neck and the week before, I had it in my arm. Because we are all so stressed and anxious, when we eat we are not digesting our food properly and that will be the reason for the gurgling and belching, which I also had. Eating small amounts of food in-between your main meals sometimes helps this. :)

06-06-14, 20:19
I called nhs24 the nurse said it doesn't sound cardiac, but it could be coming from my haitel hernia, she also said It is most likely my anxiety disorder playing havoc, and that I could wait to see if it subsides or make the trip to the southern general hospital and see the out of hours doctor.

Which means I'll be going bk to the same place were i almost died, or look at it the other way the place where they saved my life (duodenal ulcer burst 4yrs ago lost close to 4 pints of blood from back passage)

Better to be safe than sorry.

Thanks for your support ladies :hugs:


---------- Post added at 20:16 ---------- Previous post was at 20:14 ----------

Thanks carnation for your reply

I think I.panic that much i don't even chew right, so you're probably right.

---------- Post added at 20:19 ---------- Previous post was at 20:16 ----------

I'm sorry to hear that Elliott, hope it feels better soon.

The weak arm is freaking me out so I'm gonna go I'll let youz know how I get on.



06-06-14, 20:24
No wonder you are panicking Petesy after what you have been through.
My Mum had an ulcer and was told NOT to go any longer than 4 hours without some food. she used to drink lots of milk as well. And no doubt your anxiety will be making your Mind race so its a vicious circle. I think it always best to get a professional opinion so it stops you worrying further, otherwise you won't b able to relax. Keep strong! :hugs:

06-06-14, 21:32
I am pleased you are going to get checked out for your own peace of mind. Let us know how you get on :hugs:

07-06-14, 00:33
Thanks Everyone for your support

The G.P at the hospital took my BP 120/80 says my oxygen levels are great along with everything else all normal, she explained to me that what happened was a severe muscle spasm from back to neck! and that my anxiety is in overdrive that I've to take it easy, paracetamol for the pain because the co-codamol won't be good for my stomach.

The weakness in my good arm and slight numbness and tingling in face is a concern and she wants me to tell my GP to refer me to the neurological dept for an MRI.

So roll on Monday sooner I get checked out the better, i read on here a lot about results coming back from MRI scans as pinched nerves, hope it ain't nothing serious.

Thank you all so very much :hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs:

Petesy :bighug1:

07-06-14, 01:17
That's a great report 120/80. You must be pleased with that result and that was when you were stressed! Lets hope you have a good nights sleep tonight.:hugs::)

07-06-14, 11:56
Thanks carnation

Yeah I am pleased thought it was gonna be sky high but the nurse and gp were having a laugh with me before hand while being serious so it kinda calmed me down, their attitude was fantastic and the waiting room wasn't busy which surprised me especially on a Friday night.

All of youz have been fantastic, I hope you're all feeling well. :yesyes:


07-06-14, 11:59
I am pleased everything was okay for you last night and that they will do more tests which will be reassuring for you. :)

07-06-14, 12:59
Thank you Annie

Yeah once I get to the bottom of this which has been bothering me for a while (weak arm), hopefully I can hold my head high and point the finger at anxiety and move on from it, but as from today I think it's best just to take each day as it comes :hugs:

Hope you're feeling well Annie :bighug1:


07-06-14, 14:52
I am at the airport waiting to go to malta and a nervous wreck!

07-06-14, 18:24
Ohh Annie it's all right me saying this not at an airport!, but you have your family with you and soon as you land, enjoy your holiday and it'll be an achievement and I think it should make you more brave for the flight back home.

Honestly you need a big pat on the back right now :bighug1:

Safe journey Annie :shades:

P.S enjoy yourself and remember your breathing exercises you'll be fine, and hey lets make Malta one of your "comfort zones" :bighug1:


07-06-14, 22:12
I'm here and I even enjoyed looking out of the aeroplane window as we flew over the alps :)

08-06-14, 13:01
That's fantastic Annie, i'm jealous lol bet you it was a beautiful sight.:notworthy:

I'm really pleased for you, sounds like you took it all in your stride well done :yesyes:

enjoy yourself Annie you deserve it :bighug1:


08-06-14, 15:43
Thank you Petesy :)