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View Full Version : This worm really turned today, striking back at a nuisance colleague.....

06-06-14, 19:36
I'd really had enough today..... I have this nuisance .... Or more like bloody irritating colleague who has chipped and chipped away at me for the last couple of years. A comment here, a snide remark there. Nothing short of a snake in the grass.
Well.... Today they overstepped the mark once too often and my "elastic band" of patience truly snapped.
I didn't give her the satisfaction if shouting or losing my rag. Instead .... I did everything I could to remiss assertive but was extremely forthright in having a go at her. I say having a go, most people would probably say I just made a point but to me it felt like a real landmark. But boy did she know I was angry. Contained but angry.
I was able to look this nasty person directly in the eye. Hold her stare while I rebuffed her attempts to turn this on me as she always does.
She said "where did this come from" & acted all "surprised".
so i I told her.... You have been chipping away at me for weeks.
I repeated back several of her caustic and loaded remarks. Explaining why they upset me.
I also told her what she is poking her nose into is nothing to do with her.
She knows now to leave it out. If she tries again I will tell her to bog off.
I think she realises I am not to be pushed bout ay more.

The trigger for me was a certain way she "laughed at me" right when the conversation started. It was like a red rag to a bull. I have to say she is like a bull in a china shop. Not caring who or what gets in her way.

I felt triumphant. It's taken me years (decades) to actually snap at someone who has annoyed me. I never usually do that. I am far to easy going with people. Well, she is one person who knows where the line is.

Had to share this with you all because if you feel trampled upon by sarcastic, miserable, nasty people who want to drag you down and suck all the life and happiness out if you..... It IS possible to strike back.

Even if you fear you'll get upset, even if you think you might cry in front of a bully, whatever your fears are..... I strongly recommend doing it. Bite back. Say it. Don't be scared.

The pressure from biting my tongue for decades has cost me dear. Now I have experienced speaking up for myself.

I wasn't scared at the time. I felt string, I felt angry. I channelled the anger to good use.

Hopefully you can too

06-06-14, 20:41
Good for you. Well Done. Been there myself, it could have been my story you wrote. And the thing is, these nasty people are always shocked when you tell them a few home truths and they always pick on people that are easy going or sensitive. I can tell you now, this person will act differently towards you in better way and you have now earned their respect.
Well Done Again. :):):)

06-06-14, 21:00
Thanks carnation I appreciate that :-)

06-06-14, 21:35
:yesyes: I am so pleased you were able to be assertive and speak up for yourself. It is about time someone put her in her place...well done you, I am proud of you for sticking up for yourself.

06-06-14, 21:48
Well done u :yahoo:

06-06-14, 23:00
Cheers people's :-)

06-06-14, 23:21
Good on you she might think twice ,about time people like that get abit back xx

07-06-14, 20:53
Thank you Mrs.S.

Anna C
07-06-14, 22:21
Well done for being so brave, I hope you are really proud of yourself and I hope it puts a stop to her nastiness for good. :hugs:

08-06-14, 07:31
Thank you Anna, I am also hoping it draws a line..... and for once, instead of waking up the next day thinking "what have I done" - I have felt totally justified about everything I said. Also this weekend I haven't spent time worrying about any backlash. If she wants it, there's plenty more where that came from!!

Anna C
08-06-14, 12:01
Good for you. You go girl!!!

08-06-14, 16:33
Good one Tessar.:hugs::hugs::hugs:xx