View Full Version : New pink mole on hand?

07-06-14, 09:52
Two days ago I thought I had a spot on my hand but it looks like a little pink mole.

It is perfectly round, perfect colour etc. about 2mm big at most.

Do I need to worry? I am 32 years old.

---------- Post added at 09:52 ---------- Previous post was at 09:21 ----------

Picture here, it's a close up so looks bigger here.

My hands don't look this old either.

https://farm3.staticflickr.com/2918/14384962013_d2545f9dd4_n.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/nV9G3r)image (https://flic.kr/p/nV9G3r) by SamButler (https://www.flickr.com/people//), on Flickr

07-06-14, 10:36
I wouldn't say that its anything to worry about x

07-06-14, 17:11
Thank you.

07-06-14, 20:43
Looks normal to me :)xx

08-06-14, 09:04
It's funny how it just came up.

One day it wasn't there; then it was :)

08-06-14, 10:28
If it just came up suddenly, it's just some kind of localised infection or inflammation - maybe a reaction to a tiny insect you never even saw. It should go down in a day or two - if not, see your GP.

09-06-14, 08:14
Are moles that come up suddenly dangerous?

I thought all moles kind of just came up suddenly. I have never seen a mole progress, if that makes sense.

09-06-14, 13:50
Hypo, I was just wondering the same. I have loads that have appeared suddenly over the last month. I put it down to being outside in the sunshine. I have a bigger one that's arrived on the back of my calf that I was worrying about yesterday. (Didn't notice it until I was shaving my legs) but if course I suddenly feared the worst!!!!

09-06-14, 14:01
It looks completely harmless to me (But I'm not medical professional). But I vow to the NHS mole checker:
A (Asymmetric) - is the mole NOT symmetric?
B (Border) - is it ragged or blurred?
C (Colour) - is it mutliple shades?
D (Diameter) - is it more than 6mm wide?
E (elevation) - is the mole raised?

I always say to people that if you have a lump, bump or changed mole that does not look normal to YOU then get it checked. Doctors are more than happy to take a look at a mole and say it's normal.

09-06-14, 15:46

If you are worried, please get it checked by your GP, you will only worry if you don't.

09-06-14, 16:57
I'm not too worried.

I mean, I don't like how it just appeared but I guess all moles suddenly appear at some point.

If it was one I had had for ages I wouldn't worry, especially as pink ones are very rarely dangerous even if they are cancer, it is it being new that concerned me.

I have been to the GP so much over moles, that I vow to not go until something actually needs checking and my husband thinks this is something that isn't, but I am not so sure.