View Full Version : Hello every one :)

07-06-14, 09:23
H there my name is Ben and i have been having a bad year with depression, social anxiety and self harm.
I was told by my doctor to give this website a try and see if it helps.
I recently been of work for around 9 weeks with depression and stress however since having time away from work i have been feeling a lot better in myself.
It has been 6 weeks since i last cut myself and have in proved my mood a lot.

At present i have got better at handling my mood and have tried to return to work. However i have come to realize that work is the main cause of it all and when i returned all the bad feelings came strait back.

I am now still off work and getting better but now my anxiety has got worse and i have lost all confidence and am scared to go out in case i am being looked at and judged.

A good friend of mine that lives down the road managed to talk me into helpng him at his work place.

I agreed ( eventually ) to help him a a volunteer as i am not looking for the money as i have a job but more to get me out the house.

He is at present painting work units on a scaffold tower of which took a lot for me to climb up as i didn't think i could do it at all.

I have been with him all this week and can say apart from the sunburns i really liked getting out the house and doing some work outside for a change.

I liked working with him so much that he manged to persuade me to go to his mma gym he attends for a work out.

This however took a lot for me to go as it was a new place with people that are fit and good at what they do.

I dragged myself to the gym with my hands shaking loads and mouth drying up
all the time. Once in the gym i met the master and all the pupils witch to my surprise were really really nice and understanding. I had so much help and motivation that i felt really welcomed into the group and now want to get back and have another go.

I am 18 stone so i am not fit at all but this is another reason i went. The master gave me 2 lesson free to see if i liked it. Between the painting and mma gym i am feeling sooooo pooped :) but in a good way.

Any way thats my story and i am trying to get full time work with my friend so i don't have to return to my old job. I also will be joining the mma gym asap.

I am still on loads of meds tho witch is kind of a downer but they are necessary for me to get better so i am willing to keep trying and pushing myself to do things i don't normally do.

07-06-14, 16:57
Welcome to the site Ben.

I'm a big mma fan. I've always wanted to join an mma club but have never had the bottle so well done.

07-06-14, 17:52
Hi oosh thanks for the reply :) the gym is really well run and everybody is kind and helpful i am going again Monday for another go. I like the way its no contact unless you want to so theres no pressure.

07-06-14, 20:30
Hello and welcome otfc you sound very busy thats good keeps your mind off anxiety xx

08-06-14, 12:08
Yea trying to push myself to do things i don't normally :) yea the vision sharpness is the only thing knocking me back at the mo but other than that i am doing great for now :)