View Full Version : Spasms

12-12-06, 19:31
For the last few weeks I have had this spasm at the tip of my nose. It’s like a little muscle spasm that makes the tip flutter. I know its crazy, but my HA has me convinced that it's MS or some other neurological disease. I spoke to the doctor and he says it’s just a spasm and will eventually go away, and that by itself has no meaning, its prob. stress & fatigue. But I can’t help focusing on it and thinking that it’s a sign of a serious disease. Anybody else have something like this? Help!!!!!

27-12-06, 11:36
<b id="quote">quote:</b id="quote"><table border="0" id="quote"><tr id="quote"><td class="quote" id="quote">For the last few weeks I have had this spasm at the tip of my nose. It’s like a little muscle spasm that makes the tip flutter. I know its crazy, but my HA has me convinced that it's MS or some other neurological disease. I spoke to the doctor and he says it’s just a spasm and will eventually go away, and that by itself has no meaning, its prob. stress & fatigue. But I can’t help focusing on it and thinking that it’s a sign of a serious disease. Anybody else have something like this? Help!!!!!

<div align="right">Originally posted by gabes - 12 December 2006 : 19:31:05</div id="right">
</td id="quote"></tr id="quote"></table id="quote">

Quite normal to get things like that when stressed. I get the same on my fingers, arms, legs and eyebrow when I am very stressed (like today). It's called a nervous tick and it will go away, but they can increase stress when you don't know what they are.

27-12-06, 11:44
Hey there,
I get these alot, and guess what especially when i'm stressed and worried a lot, they do eventually go but they can take a while.
Try to relax (easier said than done, i should know), and i hope you feel better soon, tc xx

27-12-06, 19:18
Don't worry about it. I have an annoying eye twitch that can last for weeks at a time. I have to press it down with my finger when I'm trying to read, lol! :D
I had one start in my lip on Christmas eve but I definately put that one down to stress!