View Full Version : Hi all :)

07-06-14, 15:53
Hi everyone. Hope you're all feeling ok.
I've suffered with depression and anxiety for the last 2 and a half years. Been on fluoxetine during depression and sertraline during anxiety which both worked really well for me.
For the last year, anxiety has taken over my life on and off. Three weeks ago, I started getting heart palpitations for the first time and they really scared me. I was put on Propranolol which really didn't agree with me. I now feel the worst I've ever felt. For 6 days I've felt faint, weak, dizzy, like I'm seasick, numb hands, poor sleep.went to work one day and ended up in casualty as NHS Direct suggested.
I can't wait to feel myself again. This is the worst it's ever been and I'm waiting for the light at the end of the tunnel feeling :) I'm sick of my work being affected and taking time off because I feel like I can't stand upright.
This website has really helped me the last two days. As much as I hate to see so many people feel like this or even worse, it's good to know we aren't alone.
Here's to good health!
A xx

09-06-14, 21:27
Hello akd and welcome you come to the right place you will find lots of like minded people who can give you good advice and support xx :D

10-06-14, 16:47
Hi akd your never alone here :welcome: to the site

10-06-14, 18:54
HI akd , I suffer with anxiety and depression ,I have suffered for 25 years not always bad but it does effect my life ,I also suffer from agoraphobia so I don't leave my house on my own , about 6 months ago I went through a bad patch and had symptoms similar to you but after talking to my doctor I was put back on fluoxetine and some beta blockers , even when I started on these I was still bad for about 12 weeks before it started to ease up , I still get bad times but they don't last anywhere near as long now as they did so now I can look forward to life once again , see your doctor tell them how you feel and ask for the help you need to get back onto the right path , GOOD LUCK AND LOOK AFTER YOURSELF ,THIS SITE IS GREAT IF YOU NEED TO TALK TO SOMEONE WHO HAS BEEN THROUGH THE SAME AS YOU , AND SOMEONE WILL ALWAYS GET BACK TO YOU IF YOU ASK A QUESTION ,x

10-06-14, 19:45
Thanks everyone for the support. And I hope today's been a good day for you.
My doctor had put me back on sertraline and has advised CBT again. It's such a shame that I can't pinpoint why it's started this time.
Worried tonight because tomorrow is my first day back at work since the bad attack. I've been lucky to have a long weekend booked off.
Lots of luck to you all :)

10-06-14, 20:16
Hi all, im pretty new to this site joined as was told its a massive help ive been suffering from anxiety every day all day long for the past 4 months its driving me crazy and my docs arent great they just seem to want to fob me off ive had lots of tests done to rule out anything serious, but im still so scared and worried all the time, i have loads of symptoms with anxiety but over the last 4 days ive had a constant burning sensation in my left arm and shoulder does anybody know if this is normal with anxiety?? Any help i can give i happily will

10-06-14, 20:57
Hey. I hope you're doing ok this evening.
Four months must be hard. I feel for you.
I had the numb left arm thing with heart palpitations and was adamant it was serious. Got hooked up to ECG and as soon as the nurse said I was ok, just heart racing fast due to anxiety, it went away!! It takes over.
Sometimes we need to go to the docs and get these things done just to rule them out in our mind. X

10-06-14, 21:21
Hi there, thanks for the reply im not so good tonight due to the burning sensation still being present :-( hope your doing ok? I called for an ambulance over the weekend who did an ecg and told me i was fine all obs was fine too and they said the burning and pain sensation was due to my anxiety but i cant help thinking its something more serious .

10-06-14, 21:42
Oh bless you. I think we're all guilty of thinking the worst.
The burning is nasty as you can't take your mind off it :( are you on any medication?
I know it's easy to say, but if it was something serious, they would've picked up on it.
I'm having a rough day. Felt awful all day. Made myself go into the City Centre with me boyfriend, and it was a highs and lows experience! Really panicky tonight cos back at work tomorrow and I'm scared I'll go dizzy and feel faint there like last week. Went back on sertraline yesterday so just waiting for those to kick in.
Really feel for you. Hear to talk if you need to :)

10-06-14, 21:51
I agree we do all think the worst i guess thats why we are on here for help and advice,
And yes its very hard to take my mind off the burning as its constant and awful, im on citalapram for my anxiety and i also suffer from ibs,
I cant travel on any kind of public transport so ive not been able to go into my town for months i have to do online shopping which is not as good as going into town thank you for talking i think this helps alot,my boyfriend is great and takes me where i need to go as i cant go out alone either, do you get alot of symptoms? X

---------- Post added at 21:51 ---------- Previous post was at 21:50 ----------

Also sorry to hear your having a rough day x

10-06-14, 22:20
I have IBS too :( aren't we lucky!
Until recently I didn't have many symptoms. Started getting heart palpitations and going dizzy so I think that panicked me worse. Got put on a beta blocker (really low dose) and I didn't take very well to that. This week has been the worst I've ever suffered. Had anxiety and depression for bout 2 and a half years, but never had this spaced out, dizzy, palpitations until this week.
I'm getting married in a few weeks as well :-/ luckily it's a tiny wedding so pretty stress free. Feel very lucky to have such a supporting man in my life, and I'm glad you seem to have the same!
Just trying to fight these attacks off one at a time and distract myself. Do yours affect your working life? X

---------- Post added at 22:20 ---------- Previous post was at 22:04 ----------

My post has disappeared! Ha ha.
I have IBS too- aren't we lucky? :)
My symptoms before haven't been to bad. It's this week that's been the worst for me. I'm finding the panic waves really hard. I get numb hands and feet, hot sweats, feel spaced out, disorientated, like I'm going to pass out. Horrible feelings. I'm supposed to be flying to Barcelona on Monday. I love flying but I'm scared I'll have an attack on the plane. Also getting married early August.
Does yours affect your job? x

11-06-14, 10:39
HI DEE123, I suffer with anxiety and depression and I have suffered with agoraphobia for 25 years and I cannot go out on my own so I know how you feel , have you asked your doctor about beta blockers to help with the anxiety your suffering , I am on fluoxetine and beta blockers and they help me when I am at my worst , Please don't think that's all the time its not most of the time I can cope with the way I am , but I do get times when the symptoms get worse and I need that extra help , I have found this site very good as you meet others to talk to who wont judge you and they really know what your talking about because they have been through it and those who have come out the other side are willing to pass on advice , Keep in touch with the site and take one day at a time and you will get through we are always here .