View Full Version : Fed up!

12-12-06, 20:05
Hi anyone, been back in work now for 3 weeks, this is the start of my 4th. been doing 3 days per week and seemed to have managed fine, but today at 10am out of the blue in kicks the anxiety then the the heart goes all over the place, hate that its so frightening even when you know all's well and you will get through it. Anyway it went on for an hour and half and I stuck with it, stayed in work and it did pass eventually! But afterwood you feel so low (etc.. would like to curse and swear at this point but refrain from this on the site if you know what I mean) and p*!$ed off. When oh when oh when will this all end, sometimes I think I'd be better off not around anymore? I try to gee myself up thinking of those worse off like all the poor women and their families in Ipswich area. But as you all know out there that does not always work as you don't have any real control over whats happening to you, if we did we would obviously choose not to have this thing!

Just needed to rant a bit


Dave [Sigh...]

13-12-06, 10:24

Ranting really does help sometimes, just remember though today you faced your anxiety by staying at work when it hit, you didn't let it control you and that is something you should be proud of, the more you do this the less it will try to attack you because it knows it can't win anymore.

Well done

Trac xx

'Live your life with arms wide open, today is where your book begins, the rest is still unwritten'