View Full Version : Skin tags

07-06-14, 20:15
The past few months i noticed that i have skin tags, there about 3 under each armpit, now i noticed one on my neck were my throat is, there very small.
The one on my neck itch and is a bit sore being that i been picking at it because when it first popped up i thought it was a pimple!
Its half on my skin and half off should i pull it off? or let it heal! im scared i will bleed! Am i to young for skin tags??:scared15:

07-06-14, 20:46
I get loads of them and the doctor removes them. You can also tie cotton round them and they will fall off in time

07-06-14, 20:49
I agree I pinch mine until they fall off.

07-06-14, 22:05
I'm 26 and have loads. My dad has a lot so I'm guessing it's hereditary! They're unsightly though, I hate mine!

07-06-14, 23:04
UGH i hate mine to, they look like skin boogers lol
does it hurt when you pick them off?

---------- Post added at 17:04 ---------- Previous post was at 17:03 ----------

Thank you lady's for the advice!

07-06-14, 23:30
I would get the doc to remove them and not pick them off. They burn them off lol

08-06-14, 00:08
Oh Ok lol i was being dangerous lol
and omg was that painful?

Catherine S
08-06-14, 00:08
I noticed a few under my arms too just over the last year and first time I've ever had them...what causes them do you know?


08-06-14, 01:25
Lol it's very painful when I do it. I don't pick them off I pinch with my fingers for days then they fall off. I would go to the doctor.

08-06-14, 01:37
Honestly, i dont, i was freaking out about that myself!

08-06-14, 01:38
Some people are prone to them and they can be caused by clothes rubbing on the area.

The doc should give you some numbing cream to apply 30 mins before and then it doesn't hurt but I have them done sometimes without the cream

08-06-14, 01:39
I had over 20 removed from my neck and I had to apply the numbing cream and wrap it in cling film so you can imagine how I looked in the doctor's waiting room

08-06-14, 02:05
Oh wow you didn't want skin tags at all! I totally understand!! but no cream? that's just nuts lol i cant take pain, i cry from a paper cut:blush:
I'm still amazed at myself that i gave birth to 4 baby's!!

08-06-14, 08:04
You think thats bad!!! I have three "friends" who I refer to as curly, larry and Moe attached to my bum!!! :) Have been to the doc, they arent piles but skin tags!! Rotten things. Was booked in to get them cut off but chickened out!! Will have to pluck up the courage again!!

08-06-14, 19:39
I have one on my labia! Not really sure what to do about it, but it's been there for over a decade and no way am I lettering them burn anything from there unless it is something dangerous. LOL.

10-06-14, 08:51
I also have a couple of small ones on my neck, I did some googling and read that pure essential teatree oil can help. I had some in the cupboard so put some on the tag once or twice a day and within a few days the skin turned black and fell off!
Not painful at all was really cool :D

10-06-14, 09:20
I don't know what causes them. My sister in law had some removed by the GP from under her bust. They must have been big ones.

Catherine S
10-06-14, 10:22
The tea Tree oil remedy sounds like a good idea, I might try that one :)