View Full Version : Hello!

07-06-14, 21:53
Hello everyone! I'm Emily and i'm relatively new to this site. I've used it in the past for information about anxiety, but I thought it would be great to get to hear from other people who suffer just like I do.

A bit about me - I just turned 21 and started my first full time job after leaving college back in January. I'm also in the middle of looking to move out from my parents' house and rent a place with a couple of friends I've known for years. The problem is, i'm someone who has always been a bit nervous and anxious about everything. I didn't really think much of it until I started having panic attacks regularly back in February.

After the first panic attack, they just kept happening. I was constantly worried about when it would happen again, I felt like I was going to die. After having an eye test to make sure there was nothing wrong my sight and seeing a doctor to make sure I was okay, it was clear the problem was anxiety.

My attacks have now lessened over time. I used to get panic attacks every day, now I get them every few weeks. It may not be as frequent but it's still a problem. I still get the rapid heart, the chest pains, dizziness, feeling like i'm going to choke etc.

I hope by coming here I can start to understand more about anxiety from other sufferers, and try and take back control once and for all. :)

09-06-14, 21:30
Hello MissEmilia it all sounds like typical anxiety symptoms ,hope you find the site helpful I certainly have xx :D

10-06-14, 16:45
Hi missEmilia and :welcome: to the site