View Full Version : on holiday not coping. Please help :(

08-06-14, 01:15
I'm in turkey at the moment and hating every minute. I am so anxious, there is no let up whatsoever. I didn't sleep last night, that was our first night, I maybe got half an hour. I slept about half an hour in the afternoon too. This is the second sleep here and again I'm wide awske but feeling exhausted. I'm desperate to sleep but can't and it's sending my anxiety and HA through the roof. If I don't sleep again tonight will if damage my health? I'm terrified I won't be able to sleep all holiday. I didn't want to come really but forced myself because I thought I'd be able to enjoy it somehow. I'm with 4 friends who are all happy enjoying holiday and fast asleep. I am worried how ill this will make me. I feel sick now.
I'm.desperate for advice.
Thank you x

08-06-14, 01:33
Don't Panic. You won't damage your health just by not sleeping on Holiday. I had a dreadful week one year and didn't sleep through the night all week. The best thing is not to try going to sleep, just lay there and you will eventually fall asleep from exhaustion.:)

08-06-14, 02:11
I read once you'd have to be awake for 45 days for it to be dangerous. Not sure if that's true. But your body has an amazing way of exhausting itself out. Don't worry, you'll eventually sleep.

08-06-14, 02:46
How brave of you to go on holiday, well done:):)

It won't hurt you if you don't sleep for a very long time.

Always remember that no matter how bad your feel, no harm will come to you because it's not a physical illness that you have. It's easy for me to say I know but try and relax and enjoy the holiday. We all wish we were with you:D:D

08-06-14, 08:04
Thanks for these replies :)
I got to sleep eventually so I'm happy about that. Hope I can do the same again tonight.
Is it just me who finds being abroad very hard? Especially with friends. If it were family or my boyfriend I wouldn't be so bad. Coping strategies anyone?
Thank you again. Xx

08-06-14, 14:50
Enjoy your holiday for what it is. I was in a similar situation once and I told myself I wouldn't come to any harm and to just enjoy myself......and I did!!!
Use it as a chance to give your mind and body a break, we all need that from time to time and being away is often the perfect opportunity. Hope you perk up soon x

08-06-14, 15:42
The first few days on holiday are usually the most difficult until you get used to the new surroundings. You have done really well to get there and that is a HUGE positive. Well done. The more you worry about not sleeping the harder it will be to sleep so don't worry about the harm not sleeping will do. It won't harm you as you will sleep eventually when your body and mind gets too tired. Think of all the positives you can get out of this holiday and don't let the negatives creep in.

08-06-14, 18:26
bless you I can totally relate to this moments of 'I just want to go home!!' but there will be moments of relief to so just enjoy these when they come and ride out the negatives when they come.
love and best wishes

08-06-14, 18:36
Stop feeling sorry for yourself and start enjoying your holiday. Go and read my 'Wake up and smell the coffee' thread.

09-06-14, 23:55
Just managed to get WiFi.
Skippy im tying to do that but its hard. Tonight I have started getting chest pains which is frightening me a lot and I cant stop worrying. They are all in bed most likely fast asleep and I'm awake worrying. I cant talk to them either :(
Can anyone reassure me about my chest?
Sorry to ramble but I am not dealing with this holiday well.
Thanks x

10-06-14, 02:15
You must feel really scared, but again it is very brave of you to go. Chest pains are caused by tension, you will be okay. I won't tell you to relax cause I know how hard it is. It's good that you can get on wifi to try and get help but all we can do is try and reassure you that whatever ache of pain you get will be caused by anxiety and tension. When you are home and relaxed you will wish that you had relaxed more on holiday therefore enjoying it.

11-06-14, 23:20
Hi again.
Thanks for replying.
I feel very sick tonight and now im scared incase I get really poorly.
What can I do? Im worried :(

12-06-14, 02:34
I wish there was something that we could do for you but there isn't and 'nerves' will be making you feel sick or drinking too much):blush:

13-06-14, 11:49
Hi again.
Today is the last day. Im having tge worst heart anxiety. My heart is pounding and I keep having chest like pains. Does anyone else get this? Im very scared x

13-06-14, 12:38
Hi hun
If this is your last day,try and focus on nice things you will be doing when you get home,as though,your body's there,but your mind can now be thinking about home more,as you will be there very soon.
Is there any mild sedative that the doctor has a given you for times like this,such as a low strength diazapan?
Keep telling yourself that you're on the countdown to coming home now,find somewhere peaceful,and absorb that reassuring thought,that should help calm you.
I would also give yourself a huge pat on the back for doing this,and coping.
Close your eyes,take slow deep breaths, and think about what your plans are for next week.
Sending you a hug :hugs: