View Full Version : Weird heart/chest sensations?

08-06-14, 03:54
It's odd. I'm only 20 years YOUNG (hehe!) but whenever I do something strenuous, I get this indescribably odd sensations, almost like waves that bring on a more tighter "clutch" in my chest with each one that passes. Like, if I run up the stairs to my room or lift something heavy like multiple grocery bags or a 24-pack of bottled water. I don't understand. I'm VERY active! I LOVE going outside and taking in the sights and taking advantage of the gorgeous weather New England's been blessed with lately! I walk every single day for an hour or more - either at this track (5 laps = 1 mile, and I usually complete a full 10..) two streets over from where I live or at the beach which is conveniently close to where I live, as well.

The last time I had a physical was last year, but the last time I was seen by doctors was a few months ago when I was driven to the ER for a REALLY bad anxiety attack..of course I didn't know it was an anxiety attack, because well, most of us sufferers just think we're having a heart attack or stroke or SOMETHING improbable like that! Anyways, they administered a blood test and the works...blah, blah, blah. The results came back FINE. The only thing they noticed was my potassium levels were a bit low, so the nruse suggested I incorporate more bananas and orange juice into my diet - which I have been doing ever since. Other than that, I was released with flying colors.

It's not so much that I'm scared of this feeling, I'm just perplexed as to why I'm experiencing it given I'm a pretty healthy and active young buck. Just earlier, I went bike riding for the first time in YEARS! It took a bit out of me when I had to exert myself a little bit to peddle uphill in certain areas - that's when the tightness began. It comes and goes. There's never any pain associated with it. I'ts just that tightening and sinking feeling that never fails to grab my attention/concern.

Note that I do have acid reflux, as it unfortunately runs in the family, so I don't know if that can be tied into this somehow?

What are your thoughts/opinions? Any similar experiences out there? I'd really appreciate any feedback! Thanks all! Be well!<33

OH - and, if you enjoy nature photography (I'm still mediocre at it in my opinion..) feel free to follow me on Instagram (just gonna' go ahead and shamelessly plug this..LOL) @ "libertariankid" !

08-06-14, 17:41
i sometimes get the same. It is weird. If I'm worrying and walking at the same time, i get a right shooting pain in my chest. It feels like someone has stabbed me.

Have you spoken to anyone else about it? Xx

08-06-14, 21:18
No, not recently. I also get these weird tingling sensation in my left arm and sometimes in the front of my head. I'm figuring that if it's anything serious, I wouldn't be able to walk, run, bike ride, etc.

I just don't know what to think. >.<

08-06-14, 21:23
Do you find that you're looking to see if it happens now,and that might actually be bringing it on? Just a thought :)

08-06-14, 21:45
Yeah, the more you concentrate on something, the more prominent that feeling progressively becomes.