View Full Version : Really worried again

My happy ever after
08-06-14, 07:07
Hello firstly I am new here.
Hope you are doing ok.

I am not having a good time with my health anxiety right now.
Just managed to feel better and then yesterday just before we leave to go I a lovely holiday I got scratched by a cat (I was posting my car keys through our mechanics home letter box and cat jumped up and clawed me as it got scared.
I have two scratches about 2cm and a little tiny dig from then third claw right in between my small finger webbing! Owwww it bled a bit and as soon as I got home I cleaned it with antibacterial handwash and tcp.
I'm just really worried now I googled and found out about cat scratch fever and other bad infections that I could get.
Were away on holidays and I don't know if i need to see a doctor or of it's okay with what I have done first aid wise?
I've never had a cat and never been scratched by one.
Can anybody help?

Thank you so much xxx

08-06-14, 07:10
I've been scratched by cats several times, all I ever got was a scratch that healed and went away.

If it looks like it's getting infected or it doesn't start healing maybe I would see a doc then. But honestly, for now I'd maybe just go to a pharmacist and see what they think.

My happy ever after
08-06-14, 07:31
Thank you for your reply.
That's reassuring, I'll try and find a pharmacist later on and see what they recommend.

08-06-14, 07:58
If the pharmacist has any concerns, they will advise you see a doctor.