View Full Version : scary thoughts

08-06-14, 09:48
:weep:last night was horrible. I was having such a horrible night. My brain was exploding with negative thoughts.

i felt like at one stage my abuser was coming to get me. I thought that someone was going to go and take me away. That was scary in itself.

then i felt the urge to want to hurt myself. I have never had that urge before and I didn't know what to do.

then my brain was telling me that i don't belong here and no one cares. It was so scary. I was telling my head to shut up so i could sleep. Didn't get to sleep ti about 1.

just need someone to tell me everything will be ok and that i am wanted and that I'm loved. Not me feel like I'm unloved, unwanted, invisible :unsure:

08-06-14, 10:22
Everything will be okay (eventually). You are wanted, and you are loved.. Give it time, and things will be okay.

08-06-14, 10:24
i don't know anymore tbh. I got that scared last night i had a mini panic attack. I just felt like I was in danger. :weep::weep:

08-06-14, 12:34
Remember. When you are anxious like that, your brain will call up all the most scary and unpleasant things it can, that's how it works. Then they frighten you and you feel worse. Try to say to yourself: 'This is just my anxiety trying to make me feel worse. These are just thoughts and they cannot hurt me, nor are they true.'

You are a child of the universe. Whatever anyone does to you, your value as a person and your status as a loved and valuable human being can never change. Hurting yourself is a trick. It may help for a second, but no more. Don't hurt yourself - others have done that and you didn't deserve it. Love yourself, because you are lovable and deserve to be loved.

08-06-14, 13:05
thanks Angelika. I don't feel loved or anything. I just don't feel like i belong to be here anymore. Xx

08-06-14, 17:56
You're mom loves you to pieces Soph, you know that. You have a beautiful baby sister. You have the world ahead of you. You belong....even if you don't feel like it at this particular moment.

08-06-14, 18:36
'Now' is only 'now'. It will pass. Everyone on the planet is lovable and loved. You are too. All will be well.

08-06-14, 21:39
thank you girls for the comments. i am trying to be happier. Tomorrow is a new day i guess cx