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08-06-14, 12:30
May seem a silly question but does anyone else who's in an anxiety bout find that on a day that's 'better' or after a while, wake up and feel quite 'low'? I don't mean actually depressed but more... oh no, how am I going to be today, and just tired and down? My crazy thoughts then lead me to think - Oh no, perhaps I'll end up wanting to end it all!! My husband says 'Don't be daft, everyone has days they feel low or down.' but sometimes I think, anxious people can lose sight of this.

Anyone reassure me?

08-06-14, 12:34
Yes I think this is quite normal, anxiety really wears you out cos of the nervous energy so depletes your vitality. I find I feel quite down after a bout of anxiety, I also know that catastrophising thoughts thing aswell if I feel a bit down I then worry I'm getting worse! X

08-06-14, 12:40
Thank you. Hearing that makes me feel better about it. It is tiring and I wish I could stop doing it.

08-06-14, 15:16
Yeah it's very common. When the anxiety gets better, all the emotions surrounding it (say if you had just lost a pet or something and felt anxious at first) still remain, you just didn't notice them before because of the anxiety. It really helped me to do a plan of my week. Google BACE weekly activity chart. It really helps of you feel low :) good luck, I'm sure you'll be fine! Ups and downs is part of anxiety, don't worry about depression or getting worse because that will make you feel worse. My low feelings went in a matter of months.