View Full Version : Feeling very anxious for no real reason.

08-06-14, 15:52
I have been doing really quite well lately with my anxieties. However the last week or so I have had a slight relapse of sorts. I have been having the butterfly type feeling of anxiety and the drop in the stomach that we all know so well.
My legs have felt shaky and my heart has been racing. I also haven't had a decent night's sleep in around a week...my thoughts are constantly racing. I've been thinking about death a lot and either me or someone I know dropping down.

I can't really pinpoint it to a specific issue. There are a few things bothering me at the moment but nothing really huge. In fact there are quite a lot of good things coming up so I should be looking forward to them, not feeling anxious so it doesn't really make much sense.

Why would it suddenly come back like this?

08-06-14, 17:13
It is naff and I get these often and I still do not fully understand why. I don't think finding a reason would do anything about the anxiety, the simple thing is to try to ignore it and carry on living like the anxiety is not there. Giving it attention feeds it, so once you ignore it the anxiety will start to go.

08-06-14, 18:41
In a way, it's good to read this because I know this well. At the moment I'm suffering from a low mood, background anxiety and little panic flashes and intrusive thoughts. I just wish it would go away. Somehow these 'milder' issues feel worse because they seem to have less of an obvious trigger.

08-06-14, 18:57
I know that feeling too. A feeling of general uneasiness with no apparent reason. I usually focus that anxiety onto something and begin worrying about that as I cant seem to be anxious without a reason so I have to give myself one - usually ends up being health related. Crazy isnt it.