View Full Version : Can a panic attack consist of...

12-12-06, 20:43
Just a sudden attack of feeling sick and lightheaded.
I've felt sick the past two weeks whenever I go to college buttoday was just ugh really bad. I actually felt ok today but it got to Physics andwe were doing experiments with radioactive sources so of course over-active anxious mind goes into panic. I started feeling all lightheaded and really sick and I only calmed down when I was allowed out the classroom for 5 minutes. But since then it feels like I'm burning up from the inside, like it's really warm and a sort of burning skin sensation.

Is this anxiety? Was the sickness a kind of panic attack? Sorry I post way too much by the way.
I'm thinking of going to my doctors soon but I wouldn't know what to say. :(

12-12-06, 20:53
Hello Charlotte

This does sound as though it could be a PA - they come in all shapes and sizes, its not a case of "...one size fits all".

Any good GP would recognise it as anxiety and a PA, but should check you over anyway. Please go to your GP in order to put your mind at rest, and don't worry too much about them - as my GP said about my initial signs of roaring palpitations, "...they won't hurt or harm you, they don't damage the heart, they are just uncomfortable, sometimes painful and a bl**dy nuisance". I also get chest burning, chest tightness and some chest pain occasionaly; I find Rescue Remedy spray or drops (£5 from Tescos), helps, as does stretching, and running on the spot (it helps get rid of the adrenaline).

Having had a dreadful couple of months since my PAs started, I've had a REALLY positive day today, so I feel able to post you not to worry - and I'm sure that's what a GP will say when you visit him/her.

Take care


12-12-06, 20:58
Thanks for replying. :)

I've been to the doctors about chest pains before and once I'd been reassured they went away but now we had this incident at college they've come back >.<
But this burning is really uncomfortable >.< It's at the back of my throat at the moment, it just feels really hot.
I'll go to the doctors next week I think. I'm going to get my boyfriend to come with me as I'm terrifed of doctors. I have panic attacks in the bloody waiting rooms of dcotors!

12-12-06, 21:19
Hi Charlotte. It certainly sounds like anxiety to me, but I'm no doctor. I know when I get a pa, I suffer from intense nausea, dizziness and hot flushes. Go to your doctor for your own peace of mind. I know how hard that is - I have to get my mum to take time off work to sit in the waiting rrom and literally hold my hand - I'm 27 by the way! But it'll be worth it.
Anna xxx

12-12-06, 21:28
Thanks :)

He said my chest pains were worry before so; I'm guessing it's all related. My dr. said if I'm still worried then to go back so I will soon.

13-12-06, 07:09
Hi - me too - I get dizzy,hot flushes and feel very sick and light headed and cant breathe so end up hyperventilating!!

I had my work xmas do last night and felt sick with panic but took 2 Kalms with a slice of toast before going and used Rescue Remedy spray int he toilets when I arrived to calm me - I coped with 3 hours sat at the table in the restaurant and was fine until Id eaten a 3 course meal - then felt sick rest of the evening but carried on talking to everyone to distract myself from thinking about how I felt and I DID IT - so I know you will cope - we need to try and focus on other things going on around us so we dont focus on our own feelings and sensations, if you know what I mean!!

Hope you get on ok at the doctors - let us all know

Love wenjoy x

14-12-06, 22:06
(I'm going to get my boyfriend to come with me as I'm terrifed of doctors. I have panic attacks in the bloody waiting rooms of dcotors!)

This reminds me of me some forty years ago. My boyfirend went with me after my first Panic attack when I didn't know what was happening to my body. I thought I was losing my mind, going crazy I think were the words I used back then. The doctor gave me Valium at the time, and I became hooked on it. For umteen years I took Valium or some other type of drug to relax my body. I read every book there was on Panic, trying terriably to heal myself, even was told to have electro shock therapy. That's when I walked out of the office.

At a ripe old age I wrote the book, Fears Flutterby, after I had finally rid myself of Panic attacks. "Without fear of them they cannot exist" words taken from another site. True words, that only you can learn. Please try and break your thought pattern now, before it becomes another long battle as it was for me.

God luck and practice, practice, practice. Don't be afraid of your feelings, they are only feelings.


Don't walk in front of me I may not follow.
Don't walk behind me I may not lead.
Just walk beside me and be my friend